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Variable: FFTAverageType

Variable: FFTAverageType

Specifies how DIAdem averages the amplitudes.

Definition FFTAverageType, Enumeration variable
Enumeration variable with the following selection terms
Script Term Interface Term, Explanation
No averaging
Peak minimum
Peak maximum
Peak minimum/maximum

Valid settings

No averaging
DIAdem provides all n amplitude values to be averaged with the same weight factor 1/n.
The weighting factors increase towards the end of the averaging process exponentially.
DIAdem determines for each channel index the smallest value for all amplitudes
DIAdem determines for each channel index the greatest value for all amplitudes
DIAdem determines for each channel index the smallest and the greatest value for all amplitudes
DIAdem determines for each channel index the smallest and the greatest value and also the arithmetic mean of all amplitudes.

If you calculated standard amplitudes or octave amplitudes in a time signal analysis, DIAdem averages the amplitudes types separately. DIAdem only saves the mean values in the result channel.

To determine the transfer functions spectrum H1 and spectrum H2 DIAdem averages arithmetically. You also can average the phases of the transfer functions of this type. This averaging is arithmetic too.

Used by

Command: ChnFFT1 | Command: ChnFFT2 | Program Variables in Commands

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