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Property: Properties for Channel <Data>

Property: Properties for Channel <Data>

Contains the Properties collection that is associated with a ChannelGroup object in the script interface for internal data.

Set oProperties = Object.Properties
ObjectChannel <Data>
Object with this property
oPropertiesProperties <Data>
Returned object
Note  Refer to Properties in DIAdem - Overview for information about properties of files, groups, and channels.

The following example checks all the properties of the channels in the first channel group. The example creates the channel property Sensor_Type if the property does not exist:



Dim oMyChn, oMyProp, bFound
For Each oMyChn in Data.Root.ChannelGroups(1).Channels
  If oMyChn.Properties.Exists("Sensor_Type") Then
    bFound = TRUE
    Call oMyChn.Properties.Add("Sensor_Type","TC-N")
  End If
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