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Variable: FileDlgASCIIName

Variable: FileDlgASCIIName

Specifies the ASCII file where you save the names of the files that you selected in the dialog box for opening and saving files.

Definition FileDlgASCIIName, String variable

You only can select several files simultaneously for loading and saving if you assign a filename to the FileDlgASCIIName variable.

Note  The variable FileDlgPathKey specifies whether DIAdem stores the filenames with absolute paths.
Note  You can assign a filename with a path and a filename extension to the FileDlgASCIIName variable. If you do not specify a path, DIAdem saves the file in the current SCRIPT user folder. If you do not specify a filename extension, DIAdem uses the extension Lst.
Note  If the file selected in the FileDlgASCIIName variable already exists, DIAdem overwrites this file.

Used by

Command: FileNameGet | Program Variables in Commands

In This Section
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