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Property: ReservedSize for Channel <Data>

Property: ReservedSize for Channel <Data>

Specifies the number of values that DIAdem reserves for a channel, in the script interface for internal data. DIAdem automatically adjusts the value of the ReservedSize property if a channel requires more values than specified.

ObjectChannel <Data>
Object with this property
Object.ReservedSizeLongInteger with read and write access
Note  You can also use the lengthmax channel property to determine the value of the ReservedSize property.
Note  If you set the value for the ReservedSize property, you cannot decrease this value again.

The following example displays the number of values that DIAdem reserved for the first channel of the first channel group:



Call MsgBoxDisp (Data.Root.ChannelGroups(1).Channels(1).ReservedSize)
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