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Property: FileList for DropInformation

Property: FileList for DropInformation

Returns in user dialog boxes a collection of all files from a file list which you drag and drop to another object.

Set oFileList = Object.FileList
Object with this property
oFileListFileList <DropInformation>
Returned object

The following example creates a tree you can drag files to. The tree displays the names of these files as new branches.



Sub Tree1_EventDropAllowed(ByRef This, DropInformation, ByRef DropEffect) 'Created Event Handler
  If (DropInformation.FileList.Count >0) Then
    DropEffect = eDropEffectCopy
  End If
End Sub

Sub Tree1_EventDrop(ByRef This, DropInformation, ByRef DropEffect, ByRef Node)
  Dim oMyFile, oMyFileList, iCount
  Set oMyFileList = DropInformation.FileList
  If (oMyFileList.Count > 0) Then
    If (Not Node Is Nothing) Then
      For iCount = 1 to oMyFileList.Count
        Call Node.Nodes.Add(oMyFileList(iCount))
      Node.Expanded = True        
      Call Node.Update(eUpdateModeNodeAndChilds)
      For iCount = 1 to oMyFileList.Count
        Call This.Nodes.Add(oMyFileList(iCount))
      Call This.Refresh
    End If
    DropEffect = eDropEffectNone
  End If
End Sub
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