Property: DefinitionRange for Assignment <Data>
- Updated2024-09-12
- 2 minute(s) read
Internal Data > Properties > Property: DefinitionRange for Assignment <Data>
Property: DefinitionRange for Assignment <Data>
Specifies the value range of a channel to which a specific text value is assigned, in the script interface for internal data. A text value (property Value) is assigned to a numeric value (property Definition) or to a value range (property DefinitionRange) in order to define an assignment.
Object | Assignment <Data> Object with this property |
Object.DefinitionRange | Variant with read and write access Write: Assign a visual basic array with two values, for example, Array(1,2) to the DefinitionRange property. Read: You receive a visual basic array with two values. Assign a variable to this array in order to access the values. |
The following example generates an assignment channel with three assignments and displays the value ranges and the associated text values:
VBScript | Python |
Dim oMyGrp, oMyChn, oMyAssgnList, Assignment, vRange Set oMyGrp = Data.Root.ChannelGroups(1) Set oMyChn = oMyGrp.Channels.AddAssignmentChannel("MyAssignmentChn","Default Value", DataTypeChnFloat64, 1) Set oMyAssgnList = oMyChn.AssignmentList Call oMyAssgnList.Add("text1",Array(10,20)) Call oMyAssgnList.Add("text2",Array(30,40)) Call oMyAssgnList.Add("text3",Array(50,60)) For Each Assignment in oMyAssgnList vRange = Assignment.DefinitionRange Call MsgBoxDisp("Definition Range " & vRange(0) & " - " & vRange(1) & ": " & Assignment.Value) Next