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Object: SystemInfo

Object: SystemInfo

The SystemInfo object provides information about your system.

The following example returns information on your system:



Dim sOutput
sOutput =           "No. of CPUs:                   " & VBTab & CStr(SystemInfo.CPUCount) & VBCrLf
sOutput = sOutput & "Total physical memory:         " & VBTab & CStr(SystemInfo.PhysicalMemoryTotal) & VBCrLf
sOutput = sOutput & "Available physical memory:     " & VBTab & CStr(SystemInfo.PhysicalMemoryAvailable) & VBCrLf &VBCrLf
sOutput = sOutput & "Total commit size:             " & VBTab & CStr(SystemInfo.SystemCommitLimit) & VBCrLf
sOutput = sOutput & "Total used commit size:        " & VBTab & CStr(SystemInfo.SystemCommitTotal) & VBCrLf
sOutput = sOutput & "Process information:           " & VBCrLf
sOutput = sOutput & "Used physical memory:          " & VBTab & CStr(SystemInfo.ProcessMemoryUsage) & VBCrLf
sOutput = sOutput & "Maximum virtual size:          " & VBTab & CStr(SystemInfo.ProcessMaxVirtualSize) & VBCrLf
sOutput = sOutput & "Virtual size:                  " & VBTab & CStr(SystemInfo.ProcessVirtualSize) & VBCrLf
sOutput = sOutput & "Commit size used by process    " & VBTab & CStr(SystemInfo.ProcessCommitSize) & VBCrLf
sOutput = sOutput & "No. of GDI objects:            " & VBTab & CStr(SystemInfo.ProcessGDIObjects) & VBCrLf
sOutput = sOutput & "No. of handles:                " & VBTab & CStr(SystemInfo.ProcessHandleCount) & VBCrLf
Call Msgbox(sOutput)


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