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Property: OperationalFlags for ComplexChannel <Data>

Property: OperationalFlags for ComplexChannel <Data>

Specifies whether or not DIAdem assigns a flag to a complex channel value in the script interface for internal data.

ObjectComplexChannel <Data>
Object with this property
Specifies the channel value to which DIAdem assigns the flag.
Object.OperationalFlagsBoolean with read and write access

Note  To delete all flags of all the channels, use the ChnFlagDelAll command. To delete the flags of one channel, use the ChnFlagDel command. To delete or to set several flags in one channel, use the ChnFlagSet command.

The following example assigns a flag to the first value of the first channel in the default channel group:



Dim oMyDataChannel
Set oMyDataChannel = Data.Root.ActiveChannelGroup.Channels(1)
oMyDataChannel.OperationalFlags(1) = True
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