Property: ReservedSize for AssignmentChannel <Data>
- Updated2024-09-12
- 1 minute(s) read
Internal Data > Properties > Property: ReservedSize for AssignmentChannel <Data>
Property: ReservedSize for AssignmentChannel <Data>
Specifies the number of values that DIAdem reserves for an assignment channel, in the script interface for internal data. DIAdem automatically adjusts the value of the ReservedSize property if an assignment channel requires more values than specified.
Object | AssignmentChannel <Data> Object with this property |
Object.ReservedSize | LongInteger with read and write access |
The following example generates an assignment channel and displays the number of reserved values. The example then assigns a value to the tenth channel position in the channel and displays the new number of reserved values:
VBScript | Python |
Dim oMyChn, oMyGrp Set oMyGrp = Data.Root.ChannelGroups(1) Set oMyChn = oMyGrp.Channels.AddAssignmentChannel("MyAssignmentChn","Default Value") Call MsgBoxDisp("Reserved Size: " & oMyChn.ReservedSize) oMyChn.dValues(10) = 15 Call MsgBoxDisp("Value(10) = " & oMyChn.dValues(10) & vbCrLf & "Reserved Size = " & oMyChn.ReservedSize)