Deploying LabVIEW Code Modules with TSM Test Programs

Build LabVIEW code modules into packed project libraries for deployment by enabling the Output VIs to a Packed Project Library option in the LabVIEW VI Options dialog box of the deployment utility. Benefits of using packed project libraries include faster load and execution times, less disk space, and automatic version control for installers.

If you need to debug a test program on a production system, NI recommends that you build separate release and debug deployment installers. In the debug deployment, enable the Enable Debugging option in the LabVIEW VI Options dialog box to create a debuggable version of the packed project library that includes LabVIEW block diagrams for the VIs the packed project library contains. When debugging is enabled, you can debug VIs in the library on a target system with the LabVIEW Development System installed. NI recommends debug versions of the packed project libraries only for debugging, not for production testing, because the debug versions have a negative performance impact and use more memory.

You cannot modify VIs in a packed project library, even when you enable the Enable Debugging option. Enable the Include Source for Rebuilding Packed Project Libraries option in the Packed Project Library Options dialog box to include the source VIs for the packed project library in the deployment if you need to modify the VIs and then rebuild the packed project library on a target system.