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Method: Remove for FileList <DropInformation>

Method: Remove for FileList <DropInformation>

Deletes an element in a file list you drag to another object. You can use this method in the EventDragStart event in order to edit a file list.

ObjectFileList <DropInformation>
Object with this method
Specifies the number of the file you want to delete.

The following example deletes in the EventDragStart event the last entry of the file list and then adds a file to this file list.



Sub Tree1_EventDragStart(ByRef This, ByRef DropInformation, ByRef DropEffect)
  Dim oMyFileList
  Set oMyFileList = DropInformation.FileList
  If oMyFileList.Count > 0 Then
    Call oMyFileList.Remove(oMyFileList.Count)
    Call oMyFileList.Add("C:\Test")
  End If
End Sub
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