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Method: XRelation for CalculationChannel <Data>

Method: XRelation for CalculationChannel <Data>

Specifies the x-channel for an xy-channel in the script interface for internal data. The x-channel must be in the same channel group as the y-channel.

Set oChannel = Object.XRelation()
ObjectCalculationChannel <Data>
Object with this method
oChannelChannel <Data>
Returned object

The following example displays the associated x-channel for an xy-channel.



Dim oMyChn, oMyXChn 
Set oMyChn = Data.Root.ChannelGroups(1).Channels(2)
If (oMyChn.IsKindOf(eDataCalculationChannel)) Then
  Set oMyXChn = oMyChn.XRelation 
  Call MsgBox(oMyXChn.Name)
End If

The following example specifies the first channel of the first group as x-channel of the second channel of the first group:



Dim oMyChnX, oMyChnY
Set oMyChnX = Data.Root.ChannelGroups(1).Channels(1)
Set oMyChnY = Data.Root.ChannelGroups(1).Channels(2)
Set oMyChnY.XRelation = oMyChnX 

The following example deletes the xy-relationship of the second channel in the first group:



Dim oMyChnY
Set oMyChnY = Data.Root.ChannelGroups(1).Channels(2)
Set oMyChnY.XRelation = Nothing 
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