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Method: AddVideoChannel for Channels <Data>

Method: AddVideoChannel for Channels <Data>

Generates a new video channel in the script interface for internal data.

Set oVideoChannel = Object.AddVideoChannel(Name, File, FilePathMode, [FrameRate], [StartTime], [DestIndex])
ObjectChannels <Data>
Object with this method
Specifies the name of the new video channel.
Specifies the filename of the video.
FilePathModeSpecifies whether DIAdem stores the path of the video file relative to the data file or the absolute path of the video file. If you use a relative path, DIAdem finds the relative path only after you have saved and reloaded the data file, because only then DIAdem sets the Origin File Path channel property. Enumeration with the following selection terms:
Relative path to the data file
Absolute path
Specifies the number of frames per second with which DIAdem displays DAS video in DIAdem VIEW. By default, the value is NoValue, which means that DIAdem reads the information from the video file.
Specifies the time delay when playing the video in DIAdem VIEW. By default, the value is NoValue, which means that DIAdem reads the information from the video file.
Specifies the position of the new assignment channel in the collection of existing channels. If you do not specify the DestIndex parameter, DIAdem creates the new assignment channel at the end of the collection.
oVideoChannelVideoChannel <Data>
Returned object

The following example creates a video channel with a relative path to the data file:



Dim oMyVideoChn
Set oMyVideoChn= Data.Root.ChannelGroups(1).Channels.AddVideoChannel("Video", "Safetytest02.wmv", eFilePathRelative,NoValue, NoValue, 1)
Call MsgBoxDisp(oMyVideoChn.GetReference(ExtendChnName))
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