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Method: Add for ChannelGroups <Data>

Method: Add for ChannelGroups <Data>

Creates a new channel group in the script interface for internal data and adds the channel group to the ChannelGroups collection. The Add method returns a ChannelGroup object.

Set oChannelGroup = Object.Add(Name, [DestIndex])
ObjectChannelGroups <Data>
Object with this method
Specifies the name of the channel group. The name must conform to the DIAdem naming conventions for channel groups. If the name does not conform to the name conventions, DIAdem corrects the name.
Specifies the position of the new channel group in the collection of existing channel groups. If you do not specify the DestIndex parameter, DIAdem creates the new channel group at the end of the collection.
oChannelGroupChannelGroup <Data>
Returned object

The following example first deletes all channel groups and then generates the MyChnGroup channel group:



Call Data.Root.ChannelGroups.RemoveAll()
Call Data.Root.ChannelGroups.Add("MyChnGroup")
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