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Method: Move for Data

Method: Move for Data

Moves in the script interface for internal data a channel group or a channel to a different position in the Data Portal.

Object.Move(Source, Destination, [DestIndex], [UseChnXRelations])
Object with this method
SourceElement <Data>
Specifies the channel group or channel to be moved.
ElementList <Data> or Element <Data>
If you assign an ElementList <Data> type object to the Destination parameter, the parameter determines the collection of channel groups or channels to which you move a channel group or a channel.
If you assign an Element <Data> type object to the Destination parameter, the parameter determines the object behind which DIAdem moves the object you want to move. In this case, DIAdem ignores the DestIndex parameter.
Specifies the index of the position to where you move a channel group or a channel. If you do not assign a value to the DestIndex parameter, DIAdem moves the channel group or the channel to the end of the collection.
Specifies whether DIAdem uses the xy-channel references. If the value is TRUE, the method also copies the corresponding x-channel and retains the channel references. If the value is FALSE or if you do not specify the value, DIAdem does not use channel references.

The following example moves the first channel of the first channel group to the second position in the second channel group:



Dim oMyChannel, oMyChannels
Set oMyChannel = Data.Root.ChannelGroups(1).Channels(1)
Set oMyChannels = Data.Root.ChannelGroups(2).Channels
Call Data.Move(oMyChannel, oMyChannels, 2)

The following example moves the first channel of the first channel group behind the first channel of the second channel group:



Dim oMyChannel1, oMyChannel2
Set oMyChannel1 = Data.Root.ChannelGroups(1).Channels(1)
Set oMyChannel2 = Data.Root.ChannelGroups(2).Channels(1)
Call Data.Move(oMyChannel1, oMyChannel2)
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