Configuring FlexRIO I/O in LabVIEW

The FlexRIO I/O module provides the interface to the physical I/O signals in your system.
  1. Right-click the target and select Properties to configure the type of I/O module used in your system.
  2. In the IO Module Properties window, select the General heading under the Category column.
  3. Check the Enable IO Module box to enable the use of an I/O module with your device.
  4. Select your I/O module from the IO Modules list, then select the I/O module's CLIP from the Component Level IP list.
  5. Click OK.
  6. Select Clock Selections from the Category column.
  7. Select Clocks and click Create Necessary Clocks.
  8. Click OK.
    Note Select Details from the Category list for more information about the I/O module in your system.