Including Hardware Configuration Information in a Deployment

If the test system includes NI hardware devices, include the configuration information from Measurement & Automation Explorer (MAX) in the installer you build with the TestStand Deployment Utility for the test system to execute correctly on the test station computer. Examples of the types of configuration information you can export include NI-VISA aliases, DAQ device settings, virtual channels, IVI Logical Names, IVI Driver Sessions, NI Switch Executive Virtual Devices, and DAQ tasks you define in MAX.

Enable the Include Hardware Configuration from Measurement & Automation Explorer option the Drivers and Components dialog box and enter or browse to the existing NI Configuration Export File (.nce) you want to include in the deployment. You can also click the New button to launch the Configuration Export Wizard, which you can use to create a new .nce file. After you run the installer and reboot the test station computer, MAX imports the hardware configuration information from the .nce file after users log in to the test station computer.

Use the Measurement & Automation Explorer Import Options control in the Drivers and Components dialog box to specify how to merge the configuration information you include in the deployment with the configuration data defined in MAX on the test station computer.

Enable the Display Dialog During Import option in the Drivers and Components dialog box to launch a MAX dialog box during the installation process so users can monitor the installation and respond to prompts if necessary.

Note For more advanced hardware configuration, you can use the NI System Configuration API available in LabVIEW, LabWindows/CVI, and Microsoft Visual Studio. Use the NI System Configuration API to programmatically reboot a system, save and load system images, install and uninstall software, and obtain information about a system to be used in other applications. Refer to for more information about the NI System Configuration API.