Activating and Licensing TestStand

After you install TestStand, you must use NI License Manager to activate the software or initiate the evaluation period for the software.

Activate TestStand using one of the following activation methods:
  • Log in to your NI user account to check for associated licenses
  • Enter the serial number on the Certificate of Ownership included with your TestStand software kit
  • Enter an activation code
  • Connect to a volume license server
NI offers a variety of licenses for the different ways you can use TestStand in development and deployment applications. You can select from the following types of licenses:
  • TestStand Development System License
  • TestStand Continuous Integration License
  • TestStand Custom Sequence Editor License
  • TestStand Debug Deployment Environment License
  • TestStand Base Deployment Engine License

Use the following descriptions only as a reference for the licensing options. Refer to for more information about activating TestStand licenses. Refer to to purchase a TestStand license. Contact a local NI representative for more information or for questions about specific licensing needs.

Note This document does not replace the NI Software License Agreement installed in the <National Instruments>\Shared\MDF\EULAs\NIReleased directory.
Table 5. TestStand License Part Numbers
License Name Part Number
TestStand Development System License 788372-35
TestStand Continuous Integration License for VLAs 790410-35
TestStand Custom Sequence Editor License 777775-35
TestStand Debug Deployment Environment License 779851-35
TestStand Base Deployment Engine License 777774-35

TestStand Evaluation Package

When you run TestStand in Evaluation Mode, the software expires after 7 days. The software runs as a fully functional Development System during the evaluation period. You can use an user profile to extend the evaluation period for an additional 45 days. You can activate a license at any point during or after the evaluation period.

TestStand Development System License

Activate this license to develop and edit test sequences and to save sequence files within the TestStand Sequence Editor. This license also allows you to develop and edit test sequences within a TestStand Custom Sequence Editor or programmatically using the TestStand API. This license also grants the right to develop Custom Sequence Editors and User Interfaces. You must have an user profile to activate a TestStand Development System license. The TestStand Development System license allows you to:
  • Design, debug, and develop sequences
  • Develop a User Interface
  • Create a deployment
  • Develop a Custom Sequence Editor
  • Use TestStand on an additional machine or container within a continuous integration (CI) or continuous development (CD) workflow

TestStand Continuous Integration License

Use the TestStand Continuous Integration license to include TestStand in your CI/CD workflows at no additional cost.

Single-Seat License Users

If you have an individual TestStand Development System license, you can use TestStand on an additional machine or container for CI/CD workflows such as automated software building. Enterprise agreements also allow you to use TestStand for CI/CD workflows.

Volume License Agreement Users
If you have a Volume License Agreement (VLA) with NI which includes a TestStand Development System license, you can use TestStand in CI/CD workflows without using a development license seat. Add this support by adding the TestStand Continuous Integration for VLAs part number, 790410-35, to your VLA. This part number is free to add to your VLA and gives you a TestStand license to use on your CI/CD machine.
Note The TestStand Continuous Integration for VLAs part number does not grant the right to perform any development tasks, such as editing application functionality, using TestStand.

TestStand Custom Sequence Editor License

Activate this license to deploy a sequence editor customized to your needs in a variety of languages and platforms, including LabVIEW, LabWindows/CVI, C++, and C#. This license also allows you to develop and edit test sequences within a TestStand Custom Sequence Editor or programmatically using the TestStand API.
Note TestStand Custom Sequence Editor licenses are necessary on any machines where a test system that includes a Custom Sequence Editor is deployed.
The TestStand Custom Sequence Editor license allows you to:
  • Design, debug, and develop sequences within a Custom Sequence Editor
  • Create a deployment

TestStand Debug Deployment Environment License

Activate this license to install the development versions of TestStand, LabVIEW, LabWindows/CVI, MeasurementStudio, and any corresponding add-on toolkits on a single test station so you can debug deployed test applications on the test station. This license grants the right to make minor edits to fix bugs in deployed test applications but does not grant the right to perform any development tasks, such as adding or improving application functionality, using TestStand, LabVIEW, LabWindows/CVI, or MeasurementStudio on the test station.

You cannot activate and deactivate the TestStand Debug Deployment Environment license and reuse it on multiple computers. If you need to use a single debug license across multiple computers, contact NI for more information about the Concurrent TestStand Debug Deployment Environment license.

The TestStand Debug Deployment Environment license allows you to:
  • Debug test sequences on a deployed machine

TestStand Base Deployment Engine License

Activate this license on a deployment machine to execute TestStand deployments. This license does not grant the right to perform any development tasks using the TestStand Sequence Editor, a TestStand Custom Sequence Editor, or the TestStand API.
Note The TestStand Base Deployment Engine license is the minimum license required for all deployed TestStand-based applications.
The TestStand Base Deployment Engine license allows you to:
  • Execute TestStand deployments
If you upgrade TestStand with a service pack release by installing TestStand or a deployment that includes the TestStand Engine, the TestStand Engine on the computer becomes unlicensed. You must reactivate the license on the computer. TestStand licenses tied to a Standard Service Program (SSP) exhibit the following behavior when reactivated:
License Behavior
TestStand Development System License The license must be current with the SSP to reactivate a service pack license.
TestStand Debug Deployment Environment License The license must be current with the SSP to reactivate a service pack license.
TestStand Custom Sequence Editor License You can reactivate the license for a service pack upgrade even if the SSP for the original license lapsed.
TestStand Base Deployment Engine License Does not require SSP to reactivate a service pack license.

TestStand Tools That Do Not Require Activation

The following tools do not require activation for build or analysis purposes, as defined by the license agreement:

  • TestStand Deployment Utility
  • Update VI Calls Application
  • TestStand Sequence Analyzer
  • Offline Results Processing Utility
  • File Diff and Merge Utility (You can diff, but not save, sequence files)
  • XML File Packaging Utility
  • Database Viewer