Migrating to the Current Version of TestStand
- Updated2025-03-28
- 2 minute(s) read
Migrating to the Current Version of TestStand
If you are upgrading from TestStand 2010 or later, you can use the TestStand Migration Utility to migrate customizations and configuration settings from the earlier version of TestStand.
- The utility only moves files and does not update any other information or settings, such as registry keys.
- If the <TestStand Public>\Components directory of the previous version of TestStand includes files installed by an installer other than the TestStand installer, you may need to use that specific installer to move the files. Files installed by a different installer migrated by the TestStand Migration Utility may not function correctly or uninstall properly from the <TestStand Public>\Components directory of your target version of TestStand.
- The Migration Utility does not copy files in the <TestStand>\Examples, <TestStand>\Tutorial, or <TestStand>\AdapterSupport directories. These directories do not appear in the Files to Migrate column of the utility.
- The TestStand 2024 Q4 Migration Utility does not migrate <TestStand LocalAppData>\layout_current.bin, <TestStand LocalAppData>\SeqEdit.xml, or <TestStand LocalAppData>\UserInterface.xml files from previous TestStand versions.
Launch the TestStand Migration Utility from the <National
Instruments folder in your start menu. If you have more than one
version of TestStand installed on the computer, the utility launches a dialog
box where you specify the previous version of TestStand you want to migrate
Note When you migrate from TestStand 2010 SP1 or TestStand 2010 to the current version of TestStand, the utility migrates the report and database options to the format for result processing configuration options for the current version of TestStand.
- Select the version of TestStand you are migrating from. The utility checks your computer for all the files you can migrate to determine if the files have changed since installation. The utility launches a status indicator dialog box during this process.
- Use the Files to Copy control to select the files you want to copy. The utility selects files you added or modified in the version of TestStand you are migrating from by default.
Expand the directories in the Files to Copy control to
view the files you can migrate and whether those files have changed since
installation. The Conflicts column shows any conflicts
that could affect the migration of your selected files.
Note The utility overwrites any file you create or modify in the current version of TestStand if the file also exists in the corresponding directory of the previous version of TestStand and if you select the file in the Files to Copy control. Although the utility creates a backup copy of all overwritten files, verify that the utility will not overwrite any files you intend to keep in the version of TestStand you are migrating to.
Click Migrate Files to begin the migration.
When the migration completes successfully, the utility generates a text file report that contains the results of the migration, including where the utility stored the file backups and which files were moved.