Extending TestStand
- Updated2025-03-28
- 2 minute(s) read
Extending TestStand
You can configure TestStand using the following components:
- Test Station Options—You can customize options that apply to all TestStand applications.
- TestStand Sequence Editor Options and Panes—You can customize options and the panel and document layout of the sequence editor.
- TestStand User Interface Options—You can customize options for user interfaces.
- Tools Menu—You can customize the Tools menus in the TestStand Sequence Editor and User Interfaces to contain exactly the tools you need.
- Directory Structure—You can customize the search path TestStand uses to locate files specified by relative paths.
- Adapters—You can configure unique settings for each adapter, such as specifying which run time to use or whether to display parameter information.
- Result Processing and Model Options—
You can also customize the following TestStand components:
- Data Types—You can customize copies of the standard data types or create and modify your own data types
- Step Types—You can customize copies of the standard step types or create and modify your own step types.
- Callbacks—You can modify callbacks to customize the operation of test stations.
- Process Model Plug-ins—TestStand includes process model plug-ins that perform functions such as reporting and database logging. You can create custom process model plug-ins to extend the functionality of all process models.
- User Interfaces—TestStand includes full source code in several different programming languages so you can modify the user interfaces to meet the specific needs of your application.
- Process Models—TestStand includes fully customizable Sequential, Parallel, and Batch process models to meet specific testing needs.
- Sequence File Translators—You can create sequence file translators to generate and load a sequence file from a test description file saved in a custom format, such as XML or text.
- TestStand Sequence Analyzer Rules—You can customize options for built-in rules and create custom rules to evaluate during sequence analysis.
Configure Menu
Use the Configure menu in the TestStand Sequence Editor and in a TestStand User Interface to control the operation of the TestStand station.