Entry Point Sequences

You can invoke Execution entry point sequences and Configuration entry point sequences from the TestStand Sequence Editor or User Interface menus to run client files or to configure model settings. Each entry point is a sequence in the process model file.

Execution Entry Points

Execution entry points run test programs typically by calling the MainSequence callback in the client sequence file. The Sequential, Parallel, and Batch process models contain the following Execution entry points:

  • Test UUTs—Tests and identifies multiple UUTs or batches of UUTs in a loop.
  • Single Pass—Tests one UUT or a single batch of UUTs without identifying the UUTs.

By default, the Execute menu lists Execution entry points only when the active window contains a sequence file that uses the process model.

Configuration entry points configure a feature of the process model and usually save the configuration information in a .ini file the <TestStand Application Data>\Cfg directory. The process models contain the following Configuration entry points:

  • Configure Result Processing—Launches the Result Processing dialog box, in which you enable or disable the installed built-in and custom result processing plug-ins in the active result processing configuration and also configure how the plug-ins process test results. Use the built-in reporting, database, and offline results plug-ins to generate reports, log data to databases, and store results in compact offline result files for processing later, respectively. By default, you can configure the following result processors:
    • Database—Configure a database results processor to enable UUT result logging and configure the schema for mapping TestStand results to database tables and columns.
    • Report—Configure a reports results processor to enable UUT report generation and configure the report type and contents of the report files.
    • Offline Results File—Configure an offline results processor to enable storing of TestStand results in a compact raw result format (.tsr) for offline processing at a time other than when sequence execution occurs or on a different computer, and to configure the location of the offline results files.
  • Configure Model Options—Launches the Model Options dialog box, in which you configure the number of test sockets and other process model-related options.

Configuration Entry Points

By default, the Configure menu lists the Configuration entry points.