Crash Recovery for TestStand Applications

TestStand has the option to generate a log containing execution information and use the NI Error Reporting Service, NIER, to automatically generate a crash dump file. You can use a crash dump file to diagnose the root cause of a crash. In cases where the crash is in an NI product, you can send the crash dump file to NI support engineers for diagnosis. TestStand also offers a way to register a custom sequence to execute in an external process in response to a crash.

TestStand Crash Log—When a crash occurs TestStand generates a log file in the directory <TestStand_LocalAppData>\CrashLogs.Only the last 100 crash logs are saved, after which the earliest log file will be deleted and a new log file is created.

NIER Crash Dump—Using the same error reporting service as LabVIEW, TestStand generates a NIER crash dump in <TestStand_LocalAppData>\NIERdump.

The following figure shows the sequence that occurs when a crash occurs in a TestStand application.