DCOM Settings for the Local Computer - Setting Up TestStand for Accessing Synchronization Objects Remotely

Complete the following steps to configure Distributed Component Object Model (DCOM) access permissions on the computer that accesses the synchronization object. You must restart TestStand for these changes to take effect.

  1. Log in as a user with administrator privileges.
  2. Navigate to the standard Windows Control Panel facility for administrative tools and select Component Services or run dcomcnfg from the command line to launch the Component Services window.
  3. On the left pane of the Component Services window, select Component Services»Computers»My Computer.
  4. Right-click My Computer and select Properties to launch the My Computer Properties dialog box.
  5. Click the COM Security tab of the My Computer Properties dialog box and complete the following steps to set permissions.
    1. Click the Edit Limits button in the Access Permissions section to launch the Access Permissions dialog box.
    2. Select ANONYMOUS LOGON in the user name list and enable Remote Access in the Permissions Section. If ANONYMOUS LOGON does not appear in the user name list, click the Add button to add it.
    3. Click OK to close the Access Permissions dialog box.

You must also disable DCOM authentication for the client application if it is not the TestStand Sequence Editor (SeqEdit.exe) or one of the TestStand User Interfaces named testexec.exe. For client applications built with LabVIEW, disable DCOM authentication for the application by adding the following line to the INI file associated with the application, as in yourclient.ini where yourclient.exe is the name of your application:


For all other client applications, disable DCOM authentication for the application by adding the following registry entry, where yourclient.exe is the name of your application:

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\AppID\yourclient.exe]"AppID" ="{C31FD07F-DEAC-4962-9BBF-092F0F3BFF3C}"

See Also

Effectively Using LabVIEW with TestStand