Database Logging

TestStand can automatically log results from executions to a database and provides built-in step types for accessing databases directly from test sequences.

The database logging capability is not native to the TestStand Engine or the TestStand Sequence Editor. The NI_DatabaseLogger.seq process model plug-in implements the database logging features. You can also customize or replace any portion of the database logging plug-in.

The default process model, which calls the Main sequence in the client sequence file to test a UUT, relies on the automatic result collection capabilities of the engine to accumulate the raw data to log to a database for each UUT. The engine automatically compiles the result of each step into a result list for an entire sequence, which contains the result of each step and the result list of each subsequence call it makes.

The Test UUTs and Single Pass Execution entry points in the TestStand process models log the raw results to a database. By default, the Test UUTs Execution entry point logs results after each pass through the UUT loop.

Select Configure»Result Processing to launch the Result Processing dialog box. Click the checkbox in the Enabled column of the Database row to enable database logging. Click the icon in the Options column to launch the Database Options dialog box, in which you can specify the following options:

  • The data link connection string TestStand uses to log results.
  • The database schema TestStand uses. A schema contains the SQL statements, table definitions, and TestStand expressions that instruct TestStand how to log results to a database. TestStand includes a set of predefined schemas, which contains at least one schema for each supported database management system. You can also create new schemas that log results to tables you define.
  • Filtering options to limit the amount of data TestStand logs.
  • If the process models log data after executing each step or after passing through each UUT loop.