Instruments—Specifies the type of instruments
connected to the tester, the name of each instrument, and the number of
channels available for each instrument.Note Consider
using the following instrument naming convention for semiconductor test
for example, HSD_657x_C2_S03, where
InstrumentType is an ASCII description of the
instrument, ModelNumber is the model number as defined
on, PXIChassisLocation uses a
single digit to identify the PXI chassis (Cx), and
SlotLocation uses double digits to identify the
slot location (Sxx).
NIDigitalPatternInstrument—Defines an
NI-Digital Pattern instrument.
name—Name of the instrument, as
defined in Measurement & Automation Explorer (MAX).
numberOfChannels—Number of channels
available on the instrument.
group—Name of the group that contains
the instrument. Group names are case sensitive. By default,
the Pin Map Editor sets this attribute to
Digital when you add NI-Digital Pattern
instruments to the pin map file. By using the same group
name for all NI-Digital Pattern instruments, TSM combines
all instruments into a single session so you can avoid
session loops in code modules. To create multiple NI-Digital
Pattern sessions, use a unique name for each set of
instruments for which you want to create a session. Refer to
the Digital Pattern Help for information about
hardware limitations that prevent certain instruments from
operating together as a single instrument.
NIDCPowerInstrument—Defines an
NI-DCPower instrument.
name—Name of the instrument, as
defined in MAX.
numberOfChannels—Number of channels
available on the instrument.
ChannelGroup—Defines a group
of channels controlled by one session. By grouping channels
into a single session, you can avoid using session loops in
code modules. By default, the Pin Map Editor creates one
channel group containing all instrument channels. To create
multiple, custom groups, use a unique name for the set of
instrument channels for which you want to create a session.
Note that channels within a group do not have to be from the
same NI-DCPower instrument. Refer to the NI-DCPower Help for
information about independent channels.
name—Name of a group of
channels. Group names are case sensitive.
channels—Channel(s) that are
assigned to a group. If not defined, TSM will assign
all channels from the instrument. Channels can be
defined as a comma-separated list (e.g.,
0,1,3,..,n), a continuous range (e.g., 0:3), or as a
combination of the two (e.g., 0:1,3). All channels
from an instrument must be assigned to a group and a
channel cannot be in multiple groups.
NIDAQmxTask—Defines an NI-DAQmx task,
not an instrument.
NIDmmInstrument—Defines an NI-DMM
instrument. NI-DMM instruments define a single channel, displayed
within TSM as channel 0.
name—Name of the instrument, as
defined in MAX.
NIFGenInstrument—Defines an NI-FGEN
name—Name of the instrument, as
defined in MAX.
numberOfChannels—Number of channels
available on the instrument.
NIScopeInstrument—Defines an NI-SCOPE
name—Name of the instrument, as
defined in MAX.
numberOfChannels—Number of channels
available on the instrument.
group—Name of the group that contains
the instrument. Group names are case sensitive. By default,
the Pin Map Editor sets this attribute to
Scope when you add NI-SCOPE instruments
to the pin map file. Group names are case sensitive. By
using the same group name for all NI-SCOPE instruments, TSM
combines all instruments into a single session so you can
avoid session loops in code modules. To create multiple
NI-SCOPE sessions, use a unique name for each set of
instruments for which you want to create a session. Refer to
the NI-SCOPE Help for information about
hardware limitations that prevent certain instruments from
operating together as a single instrument.
NIHSDIOInstrument—Defines an NI-HSDIO
name—Name of the instrument, as
defined in MAX.
numberOfChannels—Number of channels
available on the instrument.
PFILines—(Optional) Defines the PFI
lines available in the NI-HSDIO instrument in a
comma-separated list of numbers or ranges of numbers
separated by a hyphen. PFI number ranges are inclusive and
must be in ascending order. Example:
NIRFSAInstrument—Defines an NI-RFSA
instrument. NI-RFSA instruments define a channel named
name—Name of the instrument, as
defined in MAX.
NIRFSGInstrument—Defines an NI-RFSG
instrument. NI-RFSG instruments define a channel named
name—Name of the instrument, as
defined in MAX.
NIVSTInstrument—Defines an NI-VST
instrument that can hold RFSA, RFSG, and FPGA sessions. NI-VST
instruments define a channel named In and another
channel named Out.
name—Name of the instrument, as
defined in MAX.
fpgaFilePath—(Optional) Path to the
FPGA file relative to the path of the pin map file. You can
manually specify an absolute file path.
NIRFPMInstrument—Defines an RF Port
Module instrument that can hold RFPM, RFmx, RFSA, RFSG, and FPGA
name—Name of the VST instrument, as
defined in MAX, that is part of the RF port module
portsList—Defines the ports available
in the RF Port Module in a comma-separated list of numbers
or ranges of numbers separated by a hyphen. Port number
ranges are inclusive and must be in ascending order, for
example, channelList="2,3,4-8".
calibrationFilePath—Path, relative to
the path of the pin map file, to the TDMS files that contain
the calibration data for the RF Port Module instrument. You
can manually specify an absolute file path.
iviSwitchName—IVI Switch resource
name associated with the port module, as defined in
fpgaFilePath—(Optional) Path to the
FPGA file relative to the path of the pin map file. You can
manually specify an absolute file path.
NI5530RFPortModule—Defines an NI-5530
RF Port Module instrument. You can use the NI-5530 RF Port Module to
multiplex one RF instrument across multiple test sites or multiple
RF instruments across multiple test sites. This element is replaced
by the NIRFPMInstrument.
name—Name of the instrument, as
defined in MAX.
calibrationFilePath—Path, relative to
the path of the pin map file, to the TDMS files that contain
the calibration data for the RF Port Module instrument. You
can manually specify an absolute file path.
NIRelayDriverModule—Defines a
PXI-2567 relay driver module.
name—Name of the relay driver module,
as defined in MAX.
numberOfControlLines—Number of
control lines available on the relay driver module.
Instrument—Defines an instrument that
TSM does not natively support. Use the TSM Code Module API to set
any type of session data on a channel, group of channels, or
instrument. Refer to the example sequence files, pin map files, and
LabVIEW code module VIs located in the <TestStand
Instruments directory for examples of using TSM pin
map files and VIs to perform tests using instruments that TSM does
not natively support.
name—String that identifies the
instrument. For instruments that NI provides but that TSM
does not natively support, specify the name of the
instrument, as defined in MAX.
instrumentTypeId—String that
identifies the instrument type, family, class, or product
group. You cannot specify a value that begins with
ni. This value is a string that you
define in the pin map and is not a predefined value from
some other source, such as a name in MAX, that you select.
Use this value to identify all instances of a particular
instrument type. Instruments of the same type typically have
the same session data type and same driver API.
ChannelGroup—Defines a
synchronized group of channels. Specify individual
Channel elements with unique
IDs within the channel group.
id—Unique ID for the channel
group. An instrument cannot contain more than one
channel group with the same ID.
Channel—Channel within
the channel group.
id—Unique ID for the channel.
An instrument cannot contain more than one channel
with the same ID.
Channel—Channel on the
id—Unique ID for the channel.
An instrument cannot contain more than one channel
with the same ID.
NIModelBasedInstrument—Defines a
Model-Based Instrument.
name—Unique string that identifies
the instrument.
instrumentModel—Installed model
description files in the model library.
category—String that specifies the
category to which the instrument belongs. The instrument
model description defines the category for the instrument
subcategory—(Optional) String that
specifies the subcategory to which the instrument belongs.
The instrument model description defines the subcategory for
the instrument model.
Resource—(Optional) If
required by the model description file, specifies the
instrument resource name in Measurement & Automation
Explorer (MAX).
owner—Specifies the instrument
resource in the model description file to which the
attribute values of the
UserData element apply.
UserData—Contains the
properties from the model description file you can
propertyName—Name of the
property defined in the model description file.
propertyValue—Value you assign
to the property.
Multiplexer—Defines a switching
instrument to use as a multiplexer across multiple test sites. You
can use one instrument multiplexed across multiple test sites or
multiple instruments multiplexed across multiple test sites.
name—Name of the Switch Executive
virtual device, as defined in MAX.
multiplexerTypeId—(Optional) String
that identifies the switch type, family, class, or product
group. You cannot specify a value that begins with
ni. This value is a string that you
define in the pin map and is not a predefined value from
some other source, such as a name in MAX, that you select.
Use this value to identify all instances of a particular
switch type. Switches of the same type typically have the
same session data type and same driver API.