Grading Passed DUTs (TSM)

You can use a Set and Lock Bin step to grade a passed DUT, in which the test program evaluates the DUT with different test criteria and assigns a pass bin to the DUT depending on the level of criteria the DUT met.

Complete the following steps to implement grading in a TSM test program.

  1. Set the default pass bin in the bin definitions file to the software bin associated with the lowest passing grade.
  2. Insert a Semiconductor Multi Test step in the sequence and complete the following steps to configure the step to test the highest grade.
    1. On the Module tab of the Step Settings pane, specify a code module that takes a measurement to use for determining the DUT grade.
    2. On the Tests tab, add a single test and use the Export Measurement To column to specify a local variable to use for storing the measurement value, which you will use in subsequent steps.
    3. Use the Low Limit and High Limit columns to specify the limit set that determines the highest passing grade.
    4. Leave the Software Bin column empty because a failure on a high-grade test must not assign the DUT to a fail bin.
    5. Disable the Step Failure Causes Sequence Failure option on the Run Options panel of the Properties tab.
  3. Insert another Semiconductor Multi Test step and complete the following steps to configure the step to test the next lower grade.
    1. On the Preconditions panel of the Properties tab, specify a precondition expression so that the step executes only if the step for the next higher grade fails. TSM does not need to perform this test if the DUT already passed a higher grade test.
    2. On the Tests tab, add a single test and use the Test Data Source column to specify the local variable in which you stored the measurement value in step 2b.
    3. Use the Low Limit and High Limit columns to specify the limit set that determines the passing grade.
    4. If this step does not test the lowest passing grade, leave the Software Bin column empty. Otherwise, specify the software bin to assign if the DUT fails the lowest passing grade.
    5. If this step does not test the lowest passing grade, disable the Step Failure Causes Sequence Failure option on the Run Options panel. If the step tests the lowest passing grade, enable the Step Failure Causes Sequence Failure option.
  4. Repeat step 3 to add additional Semiconductor Multi Test steps and configure the steps to test each of the next lower grades until the lowest passing grade.
  5. At the end of the sequence, insert a Set and Lock Bin step for each grade, starting from the second lowest to the highest, and complete the following steps to configure each Set and Lock Bin step.
    1. On the Set and Lock Bin tab, use the Bin Expression control to specify the software pass bin you want to associate with the grade.
    2. On the Preconditions panel of the Properties tab, specify a precondition expression so that the step executes only if the sequence passed (!RunState.SequenceFailed) and all the tests for the grade passed.