Configure Create Sessions and Apply Configuration Dialog Box

In a TestStand User Interface , select Configure Create Sessions and Apply Configurations in the context menu for the step, or click Configure Create Sessions and Apply Configurations on the General tab of the Step Properties dialog box to launch the Create Sessions and Apply Configurations Step Configuration dialog box. Use this dialog box select the IO configuration, create IO sessions associated with the selected IO configuration, and then apply the selected configuration to those IO sessions.

The Configure Create Session and Apply Configuration dialog box contains the following options:

  • Adapter —Specifies the adapter to use to create the IO sessions.
  • IO Configuration —The name of the of IO Configuration that defines the names and number of IO sessions created, and that applies to the IO sessions. Use the dropdown menu to select from one of the exported configurations. Selecting an IO configuration automatically creates the TestStand variables required to store the IO sessions for that configuration. This operation also deletes unused IO session variables used by the previous IO Configuration. Click Edit IO Configuration to edit the selected IO configuration and view all the IO sessions contained within the configuration. The right pane displays additional information about the selected IO configuration and IO session, including a read-only list of instrument attributes. You can modify settings for each IO session using the following controls:
    • Logical Names —The logical name of the IO session.
      Note The logical names of IO sessions are not editable.
    • Description —The description about the session.
      Note The session description is not editable.
    • Session Variable —The TestStand variable used to store the IO session.