
These constants represent the flags you can set and get on PropertyObject objects. Use the bitwise-OR operator to specify more than one flag for a particular PropertyObject object.

  • PropFlags_CommentNotEditable –(Value: 0x1000000) Set this flag to prevent the user from editing the comment on the object in a sequence editor.
  • PropFlags_DontCopyToResults –(Value: 0x800) After executing a step, TestStand automatically copies a subset of the step properties to the end of the result list. You can set this flag for a step subproperty to prevent TestStand from copying the property to the result list.
  • PropFlags_DontTypeCheckParameter –(Value: 0x80) Set this flag in a sequence parameter to disable type-checking for the parameter.
  • PropFlags_ExcludeFromComparison –(Value: 0x10000) Set this flag in a property to ignore the property when the containing object is compared to another object. This flag affects the PropertyObject.IsEqualTo method.
  • PropFlags_ExcludeFromCopy –(Value: 0x80000) Set this flag on a property in a data type or step type to prevent the property from being copied when an instance of the type is created.
    Note This property has no effect when set on a property in an instance of a type.
  • PropFlags_Hidden –(Value: 0x8) Set this flag in an object to prevent it from appearing in the sequence editor unless the Show Hidden Properties station option is set.
  • PropFlags_HiddenInTypes –(Value: 0x10) Set this flag in an object to prevent it from being seen in the sequence editor Type view unless the Show Hidden Properties station option is set.
  • PropFlags_IncludeInReport –(Value: 0x2000) Set this flag on a property to specify that a report generator displays the property in the report. This flag affects only properties that are in a result list or that TestStand copies to a result list. Typically, a report generator considers that the IncludeInReport flag on a container property applies recursively to the subproperties of the container. Typically, a report generator does not recursively apply this flag from a property to its attributes. Set this flag on both the attribute and on the property that owns the top-level attribute for the attribute to appear in the report.
  • PropFlags_IntermediateExprValue –(Value: 0x40) Indicates that the object is a temporary object created as the result of an expression evaluation. The PropertyObject.EvaluateEx method can return an object with this flag set.
  • PropFlags_IsLimit –(Value: 0x1000) Set this flag on a property to indicate that it contains a test limit value. Utilities and components can identify limit values by searching for properties that set the IsLimit flag. Typically, a component considers that the IsLimit flag on a container property applies recursively to the subproperties of the container.
  • PropFlags_IsMeasurementValue –(Value: 0x400) Set this flag on a property to indicate that the value represents a measurement. Utilities and components can identify measurement values by searching for properties that set the IsMeasurementValue flag. Typically, a component considers that the IsMeasurementValue flag on a container property applies recursively to the subproperties of the container.
  • PropFlags_NameNotEditable –(Value: 0x4000000) Set this flag to prevent the user from editing the name of the object in a sequence editor.
  • PropFlags_NotDeletable –(Value: 0x400000) Set this flag in any object to prevent the user from deleting the object in a sequence editor.
  • PropFlags_NotEditable –(Value: 0x1) Set this flag to prevent the user from editing the object or deleting the properties of the object in a sequence editor.
  • PropFlags_PassByReference –(Value: 0x4) This flag allows a sequence to control how TestStand passes each parameter to it. Set this flag to pass the parameter by reference. Remove this flag to pass a copy of the parameter.
  • PropFlags_PermitPropagation –(Value: 0x200) This flag applies only to local variables. TestStand uses the PermitPropagation flag to determine which variable takes precedence when a subsequence defines a variable with the same name as a variable the calling sequence propagates. If you do not set the PermitPropagation flag, TestStand preserves the subsequence local variable. If you set the PermitPropagation flag, TestStand replaces the subsequence variable with the variable the caller propagates.
  • PropFlags_Propagate –(Value: 0x100) This flag applies only to local variables. If you set the Propagate flag for a sequence local, the variable also appears at run-time as a local variable in subsequences the sequence calls. The variable continues to propagate as the call chain extends.
  • PropFlags_SerializeAlias –(Value: 0x2000000) Indicates that when serialized, the alias object serializes the object for which it is an alias.
  • PropFlags_Shared –(Value: 0x20000) Use this flag to specify that a property be shared among multiple copies of the containing object. If this flag is set when the containing object is copied, such as creating an instance of a type or calling the PropertyObject.Clone method, the copy of the object receives a pointer to the property rather than a copy of the property. In the sequence editor, you can change only the value of a shared property, not the shared property in the instance of the type.
  • PropFlags_SharedAtRunTime –(Value: 0x40000) This flag is similar to PropFlags_Shared , except the flag is honored only during run time.
  • PropFlags_UnstructuredProperty –(Value: 0x200000) This flag indicates that no type restrictions exist for the property. Separate instances of the property can contain objects of different types.

See Also




