
Note Do not use the following constants to access the adapter-specific properties of a step. Use the SequenceCallModule interface for the Module object for the step. Use the Step.Module property to acquire a reference to a Module object.

In TestStand 3.0 or later, these string constants are obsolete.

These string constants were previously used to create lookup strings when using the PropertyObject class to access the adapter-specific properties of a Sequence Call step.

  • SCStep_ActualArgsProp –(Value: "ActualArgs") An object that contains a list of arguments to the subsequence. If the subsequence has fewer parameters than the number of arguments, the subsequence ignores the extra arguments. If the subsequence has more parameters than the number of arguments, the subsequences uses the default values of the extra parameters.
  • SCStep_ArgPrototypeProp –(Value: "Prototype") An object that contains a list of parameters. TestStand uses the parameter list only for displaying the arguments in the Specify Module dialog box. The Specify Module dialog box sets this property when you select a sequence with the Load Prototype button. The value of this property is meaningful only when SCStep_UseArgPrototypeProp is True .
  • SCStep_IgnoreTerminateProp –(Value: "IgnoreTerminate") If this Boolean property is True and the user or a step module attempts to terminate the subsequence before it completes, the execution continues with the next step.
  • SCStep_SeqFilePathExprProp –(Value: "SFPathExpr") An expression that must evaluate to a string which obtains the pathname of the sequence file that contains the subsequence. The value of this property is meaningful only when SCStep_SpecifyByExprProp is True and Step_UseCurrentFileProp is False .
  • SCStep_SeqFilePathProp –(Value: "SFPath") Pathname of the sequence file that contains the subsequence. The value of this property is meaningful only when SCStep_SpecifyByExprProp and SCStep_UseCurrentFileProp are False .
  • SCStep_SeqNameExprProp –(Value: "SeqNameExpr") An expression, that must evaluate to a string, to obtain the name of the subsequence to be called. The value of this property is meaningful only when SCStep_SpecifyByExprProp is True .
  • SCStep_SeqNameProp –(Value: "SeqName") Name of the subsequence. The value of this property is meaningful only when SCStep_SpecifyByExprProp is False .
  • SCStep_SpecifyByExprProp –(Value: "SpecifyByExpr") If this Boolean property is True , TestStand evaluates the SCStep_SeqFilePathExprProp expression property to determine the pathname of the sequence file that contains the subsequence. TestStand also evaluates the SCStep_SeqNameExprProp expression property to determine the name of the subsequence.
  • SCStep_TraceSettingProp –(Value: "Trace") A property that controls if tracing occurs while the subsequence executes. Following are the three possible values: SCStep_TraceSettingValOff , Step_TraceSettingValOn , and SCStep_TraceSettingValDontChange .
  • SCStep_TraceSettingValDontChange –(Value: "Don't Change") A value of the SCStep_TraceSettingProp property. When tracing is enabled in the Sequence Call step that calls the subsequence, tracing only occurs while the subsequence executes.
  • SCStep_TraceSettingValOff –(Value: "Off") A value of the SCStep_TraceSettingProp property. It disables tracing while the subsequence executes.
  • SCStep_TraceSettingValOn –(Value: "On") A value of the SCStep_TraceSettingProp property. It enables tracing while the subsequence executes.
  • SCStep_UseArgPrototypeProp –(Value: "UsePrototype") If this Boolean property is True , the prototype for displaying arguments in the Specify Module dialog box is taken from the SCStep_ArgPrototypeProp property. If this property is False , the prototype is taken from the selected sequence, if any. The Specify Module dialog box sets this property to True when you enable the Specify Expressions for Pathname and Sequence option or when you disable the Use Prototype of Selected Sequence option.
  • SCStep_UseCurrentFileProp –(Value: "UseCurFile") A Boolean property that is True when the file that contains the Sequence Call step also contains the subsequence.

See Also

Lookup Strings


Specify Module dialog box
