- Updated2024-10-09
- 3 minute(s) read
These constants represent the options you can use with the win32Flags parameter of the Engine.DisplayFileDialog method. Use the bitwise-OR operator to specify more than one option.
These flags are the same ones you pass to the Microsoft Windows Software Development Kit functions GetOpenFileName and GetSaveFileName.
- WinFileDlg_ALLOWMULTISELECT –(Value: 0x200) Specifies that the file list allows multiple selections.
- WinFileDlg_CREATEPROMPT –(Value: 0x2000) If the user specifies a file that does not exist, this flag causes the dialog box to prompt the user for permission to create the file. If the user chooses to create the file, the dialog box closes, and the function returns the specified name. Otherwise, the dialog box remains open. This option does not actually create the file. If you use this flag with the WinFileDlg_ALLOWMULTISELECT flag, the dialog box allows the user to specify only one non-existent file.
- WinFileDlg_DONTADDTORECENT –(Value: 0x2000000) Prevents the system from adding a link to the selected file in the file system directory that contains the most recently used documents for the user.
- WinFileDlg_ENABLEHOOK –(Value: 0x20) Do not use this flag because it has no effect.
- WinFileDlg_ENABLEINCLUDENOTIFY –(Value: 0x400000) Do not use this flag because it has no effect.
- WinFileDlg_ENABLESIZING –(Value: 0x800000) Do not use this flag because it has no effect.
- WinFileDlg_ENABLETEMPLATE –(Value: 0x40) Do not use this flag because it has no effect.
- WinFileDlg_ENABLETEMPLATEHANDLE –(Value: 0x80) Do not use this flag because it has no effect.
- WinFileDlg_EXPLORER –(Value: 0x80000) Do not use this flag because it has no effect.
- WinFileDlg_EXTENSIONDIFFERENT –(Value: 0x400) Do not use this flag because it has no effect.
- WinFileDlg_FILEMUSTEXIST –(Value: 0x1000) Specifies that you can select only existing files. If you enter a file that does not exist, the dialog box displays a warning message. If this flag is specified, the WinFileDlg_PATHMUSTEXIST flag is also used.
- WinFileDlg_FORCESHOWHIDDEN –(Value: 0x10000000) Forces the showing of system and hidden files, thus overriding the user setting to show or not show hidden files. However, a file marked both system and hidden is not shown.
- WinFileDlg_HIDEREADONLY –(Value: 0x4) Hides the Read Only option.
- WinFileDlg_LONGNAMES –(Value: 0x200000) Do not use this flag because it has no effect.
- WinFileDlg_NOCHANGEDIR –(Value: 0x8) Restores the current directory to the original value if the user changed the directory while searching for files.
- WinFileDlg_NODEREFERENCELINKS –(Value: 100000) Directs the dialog box to return the path and filename of the selected shortcut ( .LNK ) file. If this value is not specified, the dialog box returns the path and filename of the file the shortcut references.
- WinFileDlg_NOLONGNAMES –(Value: 0x40000) Do not use this flag because it has no effect.
- WinFileDlg_NONETWORKBUTTON –(Value: 0x20000) Hides and disables the Network option.
- WinFileDlg_NOREADONLYRETURN –(Value: 0x8000) Do not use this flag because it has no effect.
- WinFileDlg_NOTESTFILECREATE –(Value: 0x10000) Do not use this flag because it has no effect.
- WinFileDlg_NOVALIDATE –(Value: 0x100) Specifies that the dialog box allow invalid characters in the returned filename.
- WinFileDlg_OVERWRITEPROMPT –(Value: 0x2) Causes the dialog box to generate a message box if the selected file already exists. The user must confirm whether to overwrite the file.
- WinFileDlg_PATHMUSTEXIST –(Value: 0x800) Specifies that you can type only valid paths and filenames. If this flag is used and the you type an invalid path, the dialog box displays a warning.
- WinFileDlg_READONLY –(Value: 0x1) Causes the Read Only option to be selected initially when the dialog box is created. This flag indicates the state of the Read Only option when the dialog box is closed.
- WinFileDlg_SHAREAWARE –(Value: 0x4000) Do not use this flag because it has no effect.
- WinFileDlg_SHOWHELP –(Value: 0x10) Do not use this flag because it has no effect. The Help button is always visible.