
Use these constants to specify filtering options for the Engine.GetWatchExpressions method. To be included in the returned list, a watch expression must meet all the specified filters.

  • WatchExpressionFilter_FilterByExecution –(Value: 0x2) Specifies that only watch expressions associated with the execution the scopingSeqContext parameter of the Engine.GetWatchExpressions method specifies pass through this filter. Watch expressions that are not associated with any execution pass through this filter.
  • WatchExpressionFilter_FilterBySequence –(Value: 0x8) Specifies that only watch expressions that specify a WatchExpression.SequenceScope property that matches the currently executing sequence the seqContext parameter of the Engine.GetWatchExpressions method specifies pass through this filter. Watch expressions that do not specify a sequence scope pass through this filter.
  • WatchExpressionFilter_FilterBySequenceFile –(Value: 0x4) Specifies that only watch expressions that specify a WatchExpression.SequenceFileScope property that matches the currently executing sequence file the seqContext parameter of the Engine.GetWatchExpressions method specifies pass through this filter. Watch expressions that do not specify a sequence file scope pass through this filter.
  • WatchExpressionFilter_IncludeGlobals –(Value: 0x1) Specifies that global watch expressions that do not specify a client sequence file pass through the client sequence file filter. The global watch expressions included are in addition to the watch expressions that match the clientSequenceFile parameter of the Engine.GetWatchExpressions method.
  • WatchExpressionFilter_NoOptions –(Value: 0x0) Specifies that only the clientSequenceFile parameter of the Engine.GetWatchExpressions method filters the returned list. This returns all watch expressions if the clientSequenceFile parameter is empty or only the watch expressions that specify a WatchExpression.ClientSequenceFile property that matches the clientSequenceFile parameter.

See Also




