
Use these constants to specify the StationOptions.ExecutionMask property.

Each constant corresponds to an Execution option. The user typically sets these options on the Execution tab of the Station Options dialog box.

  • ExecMask_AllowBreakWhileInCodeModules –(Value: 0x8000) Enables TestStand to display an execution as suspended so you can debug it even if one or more threads are executing code inside a code module, which can be useful when code modules take a long time to complete, are blocked waiting for something, or are running continuously in the background. While the execution is suspended, steps with running code modules show a status of Running . If the code module completes while the execution is suspended, the thread suspends immediately after returning from the code module until you resume the execution.
  • ExecMask_BreakOnRunTimeError –(Value: 0x4) Specifies that the message, UIMsg_BreakOnRunTimeError , is sent when an error occurs and the value of the StationOptions.RTEOption property is RTEOption_ShowDialog .
  • ExecMask_BreakpointsEnabled –(Value: 0x1) Honors breakpoints.
  • ExecMask_BreakWhileTerminating –(Value: 0x2) Honors breakpoints when terminating an execution.
  • ExecMask_DefaultExecutionMask –(Value: 0x801D) Bitwise-OR combination of the ExecMask_BreakpointsEnabled , ExecMask_BreakOnRunTimeError , ExecMask_TraceIntoSetupCleanup , and ExecMask_TracingEnabled flags.
  • ExecMask_InteractiveEvaluatePreconditions –(Value: 0x4000) Specifies whether to evaluate preconditions for steps you run interactively.
  • ExecMask_InteractiveRecordResults –(Value: 0x1000) Records the results of steps you run interactively.
  • ExecMask_InteractiveRunSetupCleanup –(Value: 0x2000) Specifies whether to run the Setup and Cleanup step groups for the sequence that contains the selected steps. This option applies only when you initiate the interactive execution as an independent, top-level execution.
  • ExecMask_TraceAllThreads –(Value: 0x800) Generates trace events for all running threads in an execution. If you do not set this option, TestStand generates trace events only for the active thread.
    Note The TestStand User Interface (UI) Controls display only the active thread and do not support enabling this constant.
  • ExecMask_TraceIntoEntryPoints –(Value: 0x100) Generates trace events for steps in Process Model entry point sequences.
  • ExecMask_TraceIntoPostActionCallbacks –(Value: 0x40) Generates trace events for steps in Post Action callbacks.
  • ExecMask_TraceIntoPrePostCallbacks –(Value: 0x20) Generates trace events for steps in any of the Pre-Step and Post-Step Engine callbacks.
  • ExecMask_TraceIntoSeparateExecutionCallbacks –(Value: 0x80) Specifies to generate trace events for steps in callbacks that run as executions separate from the top-level sequence execution. Examples include Front-End callbacks and callbacks you execute from the Tools menu.
  • ExecMask_TraceIntoSequenceCallsMarkedAsTraceOff –(Value: 0x200) Enables tracing into all subsequences when tracing is enabled for the calling sequence.
  • ExecMask_TraceIntoSetupCleanup –(Value: 0x10) Enables tracing of steps in the Setup and Cleanup step groups of each sequence.
  • ExecMask_TraceWhileTerminating –(Value: 0x400) Generates trace events for steps that run while execution is terminating. Examples of steps that can run when an execution is terminating are steps in the Cleanup step groups that run when you terminate execution in the middle of a sequence.
  • ExecMask_TracingEnabled –(Value: 0x8) Enables tracing. When tracing is enabled, the sequence editor or user interface displays each step as it executes. This option is useful for debugging but adds significant performance overhead to the execution of test programs.

See Also

Execution tab


Station Options dialog box
