RFmxTdscdmaMXPvtResults Class

Provides methods to fetch and read the PVT measurement results.

Derives from


Namespace: NationalInstruments.RFmx.TdscdmaMX

public class RFmxTdscdmaMXPvtResults : RFmxTdscdmaMXSubObject


FetchMeasurementStatus(string, double, out RFmxTdscdmaMXPvtMeasurementStatus)

Fetches the overall status of the power versus time (PVT) measurement.

FetchPowers(string, double, out double, out double)

Fetches the values of the meanAbsoluteONPower and meanAbsoluteOFFPower parameters.

FetchSegmentMeasurement(string, double, out RFmxTdscdmaMXPvtSegmentStatus, out double, out double, out double, out double, out double)

Returns the status of a specific power versus time (PVT) measurement segment along with the measured segment powers.
Use "<span class="monospace">segment</span>(n)" as the selector string to read this method.

FetchSegmentMeasurementArray(string, double, ref RFmxTdscdmaMXPvtSegmentStatus[], ref double[], ref double[], ref double[], ref double[], ref double[])

Fetches the status and measured powers for all the power versus time (PVT) measurement segments.

FetchSignalPowerTrace(string, double, ref AnalogWaveform< float >, ref AnalogWaveform< float >)

Fetches the signal power trace and the absolute limit trace. The limit trace is defined by the transmit ON/off time mask measurement in the 3GPP TS 34.122 specification.

GetBurstWidth(string, out double)

Gets the time interval between the time positions where the signal amplitude has reached 90 percent of the full amplitude. This value is expressed in seconds.

GetMaximumAbsolutePower(string, out double)

Gets the maximum power of the measured burst, or the averaged bursts. This value is expressed in dBm.

GetMeanAbsoluteOffPower(string, out double)

Gets the mean OFF power of the measured burst, or the averaged bursts. This value is expressed in dBm.

GetMeanAbsoluteOnPower(string, out double)

Gets the mean ON power of the measured burst, or the averaged bursts. This value is expressed in dBm.

GetMeasurementStatus(string, out RFmxTdscdmaMXPvtMeasurementStatus)

Gets the overall status of the power versus time (PVT) measurement.

GetMidambleCode(string, out int)

Gets the midamble code used for slot synchronization.

GetMidambleShift(string, out int)

Gets the midamble code shift used for slot synchronization. This value is expressed in chips.

GetMinimumAbsolutePower(string, out double)

Gets the minimum observed power of the measured burst, or the averaged bursts. This value is expressed in dBm.

GetSegmentMargin(string, out double)

Gets the power margin for an individual power versus time (PVT) measurement segment, which is the minimum power distance to the power limit measured within the PVT measurement segment. This value is expressed in dB.

GetSegmentMarginTime(string, out double)

Gets the position in time corresponding to the GetSegmentMargin(string, out double) method. This value is expressed in seconds.

GetSegmentMaximumAbsolutePower(string, out double)

Gets the maximum measured power of an individual power versus time (PVT) measurement segment. This value is expressed in dBm.

GetSegmentMeanAbsolutePower(string, out double)

Gets the mean measured power corresponding to the GetSegmentMargin(string, out double) method. This value is expressed in dBm.

GetSegmentMinimumAbsolutePower(string, out double)

Gets the minimum measured power of an individual power versus time (PVT) measurement segment. This value is expressed in dBm.

GetSegmentStatus(string, out RFmxTdscdmaMXPvtSegmentStatus)

Gets the measurement status for an individual power versus time (PVT) measurement segment.