RFmxTdscdmaMXCdaResults Class

Provides methods to fetch and read the CDA measurement results.

Derives from


Namespace: NationalInstruments.RFmx.TdscdmaMX

public class RFmxTdscdmaMXCdaResults : RFmxTdscdmaMXSubObject


FetchCodeDomainPower(string, double, out double, out double, out double, out double, out double, out double)

Fetches the scalar code domain measurement results.

FetchIQImpairments(string, double, out double, out double, out double)

Returns the I/Q origin offset, I/Q gain imbalance, and I/Q quadrature error.

FetchMaximumCodeDomainPowerTrace(string, double, ref float[])

Fetches the maximum hold trace of the power measured in the code domain of the base spreading factor.

FetchMaximumSymbolEvmTrace(string, double, ref float[])

Fetches the maximum hold trace of the symbol EVM for the code domain analysis (CDA) measurement.

FetchMaximumSymbolMagnitudeErrorTrace(string, double, ref float[])

Returns the maximum hold trace of the symbol magnitude error for the code domain analysis (CDA) measurement.

FetchMaximumSymbolPhaseErrorTrace(string, double, ref float[])

Fetches the maximum hold trace of the symbol phase error for the code domain analysis (CDA) measurement.

FetchMeanCodeDomainPowerTrace(string, double, ref float[])

Fetches the averaged trace value of the code powers measured in the code domain of the base spreading factor.

FetchMeanSymbolEvmTrace(string, double, ref float[])

Fetches the averaged symbol EVM trace of the code domain analysis (CDA) measurement channel.

FetchMeanSymbolMagnitudeErrorTrace(string, double, ref float[])

Fetches the averaged symbol magnitude error trace for the code domain analysis (CDA) measurement.

FetchMeanSymbolPhaseErrorTrace(string, double, ref float[])

Fetches the averaged symbol phase error trace for the code domain analysis (CDA) measurement.

FetchSymbolConstellationTrace(string, double, ref ComplexSingle[])

Fetches the symbol constellation trace of the code domain analysis (CDA) measurement channel.

FetchSymbolEvm(string, double, out double, out double, out double, out double, out double, out double, out double)

Fetches the ModAcc related measurements for the configured measurement channel.

GetChipRateError(string, out double)

Gets the chip rate error. This value is expressed in ppm.

GetFrequencyError(string, out double)

Gets the frequency error averaged over all measured slots. This value is expressed in Hz.

GetIQGainImbalance(string, out double)

Gets the I/Q gain imbalance of the composite signal, averaged over all measured slots. This value is expressed in dB.

GetIQOriginOffset(string, out double)

Gets the I/Q origin offset of the composite signal, averaged over all measured slots. This value is expressed in dB.

GetIQQuadratureError(string, out double)

Gets the I/Q quadrature error of the composite signal, averaged over all measured slots. This value is expressed in degrees.

GetMaximumPeakActivePower(string, out double)

Gets the maximum value among all averaging iterations of the maximum active code power measured in the code domain of the base spreading factor, normalized to the total code domain power (CDP). This value is expressed in dB, if you set the SetPowerUnit(string, RFmxTdscdmaMXCdaPowerUnit) method to dB, or in dBm, if you set the CDA Pwr Unit method to dBm.

GetMaximumPeakInactivePower(string, out double)

Gets the maximum value among all averaging iterations of the highest measured code power among the set of inactive channels in the code domain of the base spreading factor, normalized to the total code domain power (CDP). This value is expressed in dB, if you set the SetPowerUnit(string, RFmxTdscdmaMXCdaPowerUnit) method to dB, or in dBm, if you set the CDA Pwr Unit method to dBm.

GetMaximumPeakSymbolEvm(string, out double)

Gets the maximum value of the peak symbol EVMs, among all averaging iterations for the selected time slot and channel. This value is expressed as a percentage.

GetMaximumTotalActivePower(string, out double)

Gets the maximum value, among all averaging iterations, of total power measured in the code domain of the base spreading factor normalized to the total code domain power. This value is expressed in dB, if you set the SetPowerUnit(string, RFmxTdscdmaMXCdaPowerUnit) method to dB, or in dBm, if you set the CDA Pwr Unit method to dBm.

GetMaximumTotalPower(string, out double)

Gets the maximum value of the power measured in the code domain of the base spreading factor among all averaging iterations. This value is expressed in dBm.

GetMeanActivePower(string, out double)

Gets the average of the active code power measured in the code domain of the base spreading factor, normalized to the total code domain power (CDP). This value is expressed in dB, if you set the SetPowerUnit(string, RFmxTdscdmaMXCdaPowerUnit) method to dB, or in dBm, if you set the CDA Pwr Unit method to dBm.

GetMeanInactivePower(string, out double)

Gets the average code power measured among the set of inactive channels in the code domain of the base spreading factor, normalized to the total code domain power (CDP). This value is expressed in dB, if you set the SetPowerUnit(string, RFmxTdscdmaMXCdaPowerUnit) method to dB, or in dBm, if you set the CDA Pwr Unit method to dBm.

GetMeanRmsSymbolEvm(string, out double)

Gets the RMS symbol EVM for the selected time slot and channel, averaged over all averaging iterations. This value is expressed as a percentage.

GetMeanRmsSymbolMagnitudeError(string, out double)

Gets the RMS symbol magnitude error for the selected time slot and channel, averaged over all averaging iterations. This value is expressed as a percentage.

GetMeanRmsSymbolPhaseError(string, out double)

Gets the RMS symbol phase error for the selected time slot and channel, averaged over all averaging iterations. This value is expressed in degrees.

GetMeanSymbolPower(string, out double)

Gets the mean symbol power for the selected time slot and channel. This value is expressed in dB if you set the SetPowerUnit(string, RFmxTdscdmaMXCdaPowerUnit) method to dB, or in dBm if you set the CDA Pwr Unit method to dBm.

GetMeanTotalActivePower(string, out double)

Gets the total active code power measured in the code domain of the base spreading factor, normalized to the total code domain power (CDP). This value is expressed in dB, if you set the SetPowerUnit(string, RFmxTdscdmaMXCdaPowerUnit) method to dB, or in dBm, if you set the CDA Pwr Unit method to dBm. The total active code power is averaged over all averaging iterations.

GetMeanTotalPower(string, out double)

Gets the total power measured in the code domain of the base spreading factor, averaged over all averaging iterations. This value is expressed in dBm.