FetchMeasurementStatus(string, double, out RFmxTdscdmaMXPvtMeasurementStatus)

Fetches the overall status of the power versus time (PVT) measurement.


Namespace: NationalInstruments.RFmx.TdscdmaMX

public int FetchMeasurementStatus(string selectorString, double timeout, out RFmxTdscdmaMXPvtMeasurementStatus measurementStatus)



Specifies a selector string comprising of the result name. If you do not specify the result name, the default result instance is used.


Specifies the timeout for fetching the specified measurement. This value is expressed in seconds. Set this value to an appropriate time, longer than expected for fetching the measurement. A value of -1 specifies that the method waits until the measurement is complete.

measurementStatusout RFmxTdscdmaMXPvtMeasurementStatus

Upon return, contains the overall status of the PVT measurement.


Returns the status code of this method. The status code either indicates success or describes a warning condition.