RFmxTdscdmaMX Class
- Updated2025-01-27
- 13 minute(s) read
RFmxTdscdmaMX Class
Defines a root class which is used to identify and control TDSCDMA signal configuration.
Derives from
- ISignalConfiguration
- IDisposable
Namespace: NationalInstruments.RFmx.TdscdmaMX
public class RFmxTdscdmaMX : ISignalConfiguration, IDisposable
Name | Description |
Acp | Gets the RFmxTdscdmaMXAcp instance that represents the ACP measurement. |
Cda | Gets the RFmxTdscdmaMXCda instance that represents the CDA measurement. |
Chp | Gets the RFmxTdscdmaMXChp instance that represents the CHP measurement. |
IsDisposed | Gets a value that indicates whether the signal has been disposed. |
ModAcc | Gets the RFmxTdscdmaMXModAcc instance that represents the ModAcc measurement. |
Obw | Gets the RFmxTdscdmaMXObw instance that represents the OBW measurement. |
Pvt | Gets the RFmxTdscdmaMXPvt instance that represents the PVT measurement. |
Sem | Gets the RFmxTdscdmaMXSem instance that represents the SEM measurement. |
SignalConfigurationName | Gets the signal configuration name. |
SignalConfigurationType | Gets the Type object for RFmxTdscdmaMX. |
SlotPower | Gets the RFmxTdscdmaMXSlotPower instance that represents the SlotPower measurement. |
Name | Description |
AbortMeasurements(string) | Stops the acquisition and measurements associated with the signal instance that you specify in the selectorString parameter. The acquisition and measurements were previously initiated by the Initiate(string, string) method or measurement read methods. |
AnalyzeIQ1Waveform(string, string, ComplexWaveform< ComplexSingle >, bool, long) | Performs the enabled measurements on the I/Q complex waveform that you specify in the IQ parameter. Call this method after you configure the signal and measurement methods. You can fetch measurement results using the Fetch methods or result methods. Use this method only if the RFmxInstrMX.GetRecommendedAcquisitionTypeMethod method value is either IQ or IQorSpectral. |
AnalyzeSpectrum1Waveform(string, string, Spectrum< float >, bool, long) | Performs the enabled measurements on the Spectrum waveform that you specify in the spectrum parameter. Call this method after you configure the signal and measurement methods. You can fetch measurement results using the Fetch methods or result methods. Use this method only if the RFmxInstrMX.GetRecommendedAcquisitionTypeMethod method value is either spectral or IQorSpectral. |
AutoLevel(string, double, out double) | Examines the input signal to calculate the peak power level and sets it as the value of the Reference Level method. Use this method to calculate an approximate setting for the reference level. |
CheckMeasurementStatus(string, out bool) | Checks the status of the measurement. Use this method to check for any errors that may occur during measurement or to check whether the measurement is complete and results are available. |
ClearAllNamedResults(string) | Clears all results for the current signal instance. |
ClearNamedResult(string) | Clears a result instance specified by the result name in the selectorString parameter. |
CloneSignalConfiguration(string, out RFmxTdscdmaMX) | Creates a new instance of a signal by copying all the method values from an existing signal instance. |
Commit(string) | Commits settings to the hardware. Calling this method is optional. RFmxTDSCDMA commits settings to the hardware when you call the Initiate(string, string) method. |
ConfigureChannelConfigurationMode(string, RFmxTdscdmaMXChannelConfigurationMode) | Configures RFmx TD-SCDMA to detect the channels automatically or to use a specified channel configuration. |
ConfigureDigitalEdgeTrigger(string, string, RFmxTdscdmaMXDigitalEdgeTriggerEdge, double, bool) | Configures the device to wait for a digital edge trigger and then marks a reference point within the record. |
ConfigureExternalAttenuation(string, double) | Specifies external attenuation to be considered by RFmx TD-SCDMA measurements, such as the attenuation of a switch or cable connected to the signal analyzer RF IN connector. |
ConfigureFrequency(string, double) | Configures the expected carrier frequency of the RF signal to acquire. The signal analyzer tunes to this frequency. |
ConfigureFrequencyChannelNumber(string, int) | Configures the carrier frequency of the RF signal to acquire according to the given channel number. The signal analyzer tunes to this frequency. |
ConfigureIQPowerEdgeTrigger(string, string, RFmxTdscdmaMXIQPowerEdgeTriggerSlope, double, double, RFmxTdscdmaMXTriggerMinimumQuietTimeMode, double, RFmxTdscdmaMXIQPowerEdgeTriggerLevelType, bool) | Configures the device to wait for the complex power of the I/Q data to cross the specified threshold to mark a reference point within the record. |
ConfigureMidamble(string, RFmxTdscdmaMXMidambleAutoDetectionMode, int, int) | This method is now deprecated, please use the RFmxTDSCDMA Configure Midamble Shift method in the place of this method. |
ConfigureMidambleShift(string, RFmxTdscdmaMXMidambleAutoDetectionMode, int, int) | Configures the midambleAutoDetectionMode, maximumNumberOfUsers, and MidambleShift parameters. |
ConfigureNumberOfChannels(string, int) | Configures the number of channels for the user-defined channel configuration when the channel configuration mode is set to userDefined. |
ConfigurePilot(string, int) | Configures the pilot code of the TD-SCDMA signal. |
ConfigureReferenceLevel(string, double) | Configures the reference level. The reference level represents the maximum expected power of an input RF signal. |
ConfigureRF(string, double, double, double) | Configures the RF methods of the signal specified by the selectorString parameter. |
ConfigureSoftwareEdgeTrigger(string, double, bool) | Configures the device to wait for a software trigger to mark a reference point within the record. |
ConfigureUplinkScramblingCode(string, int) | Configures the scrambling code used for the uplink transmission. |
ConfigureUserDefinedChannel(string, int, RFmxTdscdmaMXChannelType, int, RFmxTdscdmaMXModulationType, int) | Configures an individual user-defined channel when the channel configuration mode is set to userDefined. |
ConfigureUserDefinedChannelArray(string, int[], RFmxTdscdmaMXChannelType[], int[], RFmxTdscdmaMXModulationType[], int[]) | Configures all user-defined channels when the channel configuration mode is set to userDefined. |
DeleteSignalConfiguration() | Deletes an instance of a signal. |
DisableTrigger(string) | Configures the device to not wait for a trigger to mark a reference point within a record. This method defines the signal triggering as immediate. |
Dispose() | Deletes the signal configuration if it is not the default signal configuration and clears any trace of the current signal configuration, if any. |
GetAllNamedResultNames(string, out string[], out bool) | Returns all the named result names of the current signal instance. |
GetAttributeBool(string, int, out bool) | Gets the value of a Bool attribute. |
GetAttributeDouble(string, int, out double) | Gets the value of a Double attribute. |
GetAttributeInt(string, int, out int) | Gets the value of an RFmx 32-bit integer (int32) attribute. |
GetAttributeString(string, int, out string) | Gets the value of a of an RFmx string. |
GetAutoLevelInitialReferenceLevel(string, out double) | Gets the initial reference level that the AutoLevel(string, double, out double) function uses to estimate the peak power of the input signal. This value is expressed in dBm. |
GetCenterFrequency(string, out double) | Gets the carrier frequency of the RF signal to acquire. The signal analyzer tunes to this frequency. This value is expressed in Hz. |
GetChannelConfigurationMode(string, out RFmxTdscdmaMXChannelConfigurationMode) | Gets whether to detect the channels automatically or to use a specified channel configuration. |
GetChannelizationCode(string, out int) | Gets the channelization code of the user-defined channel. This method is used only when you set the SetChannelConfigurationMode(string, RFmxTdscdmaMXChannelConfigurationMode) method to UserDefined. Use "channel(n)" as the selector string to configure or read this method. |
GetChannelType(string, out RFmxTdscdmaMXChannelType) | Gets the channel type of the user-defined channel. This method is used only when you set the SetChannelConfigurationMode(string, RFmxTdscdmaMXChannelConfigurationMode) method to UserDefined. Use "channel(n)" as the selector string to configure or read this method. |
GetDigitalEdgeTriggerEdge(string, out RFmxTdscdmaMXDigitalEdgeTriggerEdge) | Gets the active edge for the trigger. This method is used only when you set the SetTriggerType(string, RFmxTdscdmaMXTriggerType) method to DigitalEdge. |
GetDigitalEdgeTriggerSource(string, out string) | Gets the source terminal for the digital edge trigger. This method is used only when you set the SetTriggerType(string, RFmxTdscdmaMXTriggerType) method to DigitalEdge. |
GetError(out int, out string) | Gets the latest error code and description. |
GetErrorString(int, out string) | Converts the status code returned by an RFmxTDSCDMA function into a string. |
GetExternalAttenuation(string, out double) | Gets the level of external attenuation that is considered by the selected measurement. This value is expressed in dB. |
GetIQPowerEdgeTriggerLevel(string, out double) | Gets the threshold above or below which the signal analyzer triggers, depending on the value of the SetIQPowerEdgeTriggerSlope(string, RFmxTdscdmaMXIQPowerEdgeTriggerSlope) method. This value is expressed in dB when the SetIQPowerEdgeTriggerLevelType(string, RFmxTdscdmaMXIQPowerEdgeTriggerLevelType) method is set to Relative or in dBm when the IQ Power Edge Level Type method is set to Absolute. |
GetIQPowerEdgeTriggerLevelType(string, out RFmxTdscdmaMXIQPowerEdgeTriggerLevelType) | Gets the reference for the SetIQPowerEdgeTriggerLevel(string, double) method. This method is used only when you set the SetTriggerType(string, RFmxTdscdmaMXTriggerType) method to IQPowerEdge. |
GetIQPowerEdgeTriggerSlope(string, out RFmxTdscdmaMXIQPowerEdgeTriggerSlope) | Gets whether the device asserts the trigger when the signal power is rising or when the signal power is falling. The device asserts the trigger when the signal power exceeds the specified level with the slope you specify. This method is used only when you set the SetTriggerType(string, RFmxTdscdmaMXTriggerType) method to IQPowerEdge. |
GetIQPowerEdgeTriggerSource(string, out string) | Gets the channel from which the device monitors the trigger. This method is used only when you set the SetTriggerType(string, RFmxTdscdmaMXTriggerType) method to IQPowerEdge. |
GetLimitedConfigurationChange(string, out RFmxTdscdmaMXLimitedConfigurationChange) | Gets the set of properties that are considered by RFmx in the locked signal configuration state. |
GetMaximumNumberOfUsers(string, out int) | Configures the maximum number of users. |
GetMidambleAutoDetectionMode(string, out RFmxTdscdmaMXMidambleAutoDetectionMode) | Gets the midamble auto detection mode. |
GetMidambleCode(string, out int) | Gets the midamble code. |
GetMidambleShift(string, out int) | Gets the midamble shift used when you set the SetMidambleAutoDetectionMode(string, RFmxTdscdmaMXMidambleAutoDetectionMode) method to Off. This value is expressed in chips. |
GetModulationType(string, out RFmxTdscdmaMXModulationType) | Gets the modulation type of the user-defined channel. This method is used only when you set the SetChannelConfigurationMode(string, RFmxTdscdmaMXChannelConfigurationMode) method to UserDefined. Use "channel(n)" as the selector string to configure or read this method. |
GetNumberOfChannels(string, out int) | Gets the number of user-defined channels. This method is used only when you set the SetChannelConfigurationMode(string, RFmxTdscdmaMXChannelConfigurationMode) method to UserDefined. |
GetPilotCode(string, out int) | Gets the SYNC-UL code used by the uplink pilot time slot (UpPTS). This method is used when the SetSynchronizationMode(string, RFmxTdscdmaMXModAccSynchronizationMode) method is set to Subframe, or the SetSlotType(string, RFmxTdscdmaMXModAccSlotType) method is set to Pilot. |
GetReferenceLevel(string, out double) | Gets the reference level that represents the maximum expected power of the RF input signal. This value is expressed in dBm for RF devices and Vpk-pk for baseband devices. |
GetReferenceLevelHeadroom(string, out double) | Gets the margin RFmx adds to the Reference Level method. The margin avoids clipping and overflow warnings if the input signal exceeds the configured reference level. RFmx configures the input gain to avoid clipping and associated overflow warnings provided the instantaneous power of the input signal remains within the reference level plus the reference level headroom. If you know the input power of the signal precisely or previously included the margin in the reference level, you could improve the signal-to-noise ratio by reducing the reference level headroom. Default values |
GetResultFetchTimeout(string, out double) | Gets the time to wait before results are available in the RFmx driver. This value is expressed in seconds. Set this value to a time longer than expected for fetching the measurement. A value of -1 specifies that the RFmx driver waits until the measurement is complete. |
GetSelectedPorts(string, out string) | Gets the instrument port to be used by the measurement. Valid values |
GetSlotFormat(string, out int) | Gets the spreading factor, the number of TFCI code words, the number of transmit power control bits, and the number of synchronization shift bits. This method is used only when you set the SetChannelConfigurationMode(string, RFmxTdscdmaMXChannelConfigurationMode) method to UserDefined. Use "channel(n)" as the selector string to configure or read this method. |
GetSlotIndex(string, out int) | Gets the slot index of the user-defined channel. This method is used only when you set the SetChannelConfigurationMode(string, RFmxTdscdmaMXChannelConfigurationMode) method to UserDefined. Use "channel(n)" as the selector string to configure or read this method. |
GetTriggerDelay(string, out double) | Gets the trigger delay time. This value is expressed in seconds. |
GetTriggerMinimumQuietTimeDuration(string, out double) | Gets the time duration for which the signal must be quiet before the signal analyzer arms the I/Q power edge trigger. This value is expressed in seconds. If you set the SetIQPowerEdgeTriggerSlope(string, RFmxTdscdmaMXIQPowerEdgeTriggerSlope) method to Rising, the signal is quiet below the trigger level. If you set the IQ Power Edge Slope method to Falling, the signal is quiet above the trigger level. |
GetTriggerMinimumQuietTimeMode(string, out RFmxTdscdmaMXTriggerMinimumQuietTimeMode) | Gets whether the measurement calculates the minimum quiet time used for triggering. |
GetTriggerType(string, out RFmxTdscdmaMXTriggerType) | Gets the trigger type. |
GetUplinkScramblingCode(string, out int) | Gets the scrambling code and the basic midamble code for uplink transmission. |
GetWarning(out int, out string) | Gets the latest warning code and description. |
Initiate(string, string) | Initiates all enabled measurements. Call this method after configuring the signal and measurement. |
ResetAttribute(string, RFmxTdscdmaMXPropertyId) | Resets the attribute to its default value. |
ResetToDefault(string) | Resets a signal to the default values. This method disables all the external attenuation tables in all calibration planes. |
SelectMeasurements(string, RFmxTdscdmaMXMeasurementTypes, bool) | Specifies the measurements that you want to enable. |
SendSoftwareEdgeTrigger() | Sends a trigger to the device when you use the RFmxTDSCDMA_CfgTrigger method to choose a software version of a trigger and the device is waiting for the trigger to be sent. You can also use this method to override a hardware trigger. |
SetAttributeBool(string, int, bool) | Sets the value of a Bool attribute. |
SetAttributeDouble(string, int, double) | Sets the value of a Double attribute. |
SetAttributeInt(string, int, int) | Sets the value of a Int attribute. |
SetAttributeString(string, int, string) | Sets the value of a String attribute. |
SetAutoLevelInitialReferenceLevel(string, double) | Sets the initial reference level that the AutoLevel(string, double, out double) function uses to estimate the peak power of the input signal. This value is expressed in dBm. |
SetCenterFrequency(string, double) | Sets the carrier frequency of the RF signal to acquire. The signal analyzer tunes to this frequency. This value is expressed in Hz. |
SetChannelConfigurationMode(string, RFmxTdscdmaMXChannelConfigurationMode) | Sets whether to detect the channels automatically or to use a specified channel configuration. |
SetChannelizationCode(string, int) | Sets the channelization code of the user-defined channel. This method is used only when you set the SetChannelConfigurationMode(string, RFmxTdscdmaMXChannelConfigurationMode) method to UserDefined. Use "channel(n)" as the selector string to configure or read this method. |
SetChannelType(string, RFmxTdscdmaMXChannelType) | Sets the channel type of the user-defined channel. This method is used only when you set the SetChannelConfigurationMode(string, RFmxTdscdmaMXChannelConfigurationMode) method to UserDefined. Use "channel(n)" as the selector string to configure or read this method. |
SetDigitalEdgeTriggerEdge(string, RFmxTdscdmaMXDigitalEdgeTriggerEdge) | Sets the active edge for the trigger. This method is used only when you set the SetTriggerType(string, RFmxTdscdmaMXTriggerType) method to DigitalEdge. |
SetDigitalEdgeTriggerSource(string, string) | Sets the source terminal for the digital edge trigger. This method is used only when you set the SetTriggerType(string, RFmxTdscdmaMXTriggerType) method to DigitalEdge. |
SetExternalAttenuation(string, double) | Sets the level of external attenuation that is considered by the selected measurement. This value is expressed in dB. |
SetIQPowerEdgeTriggerLevel(string, double) | Sets the threshold above or below which the signal analyzer triggers, depending on the value of the SetIQPowerEdgeTriggerSlope(string, RFmxTdscdmaMXIQPowerEdgeTriggerSlope) method. This value is expressed in dB when the SetIQPowerEdgeTriggerLevelType(string, RFmxTdscdmaMXIQPowerEdgeTriggerLevelType) method is set to Relative or in dBm when the IQ Power Edge Level Type method is set to Absolute. |
SetIQPowerEdgeTriggerLevelType(string, RFmxTdscdmaMXIQPowerEdgeTriggerLevelType) | Sets the reference for the SetIQPowerEdgeTriggerLevel(string, double) method. This method is used only when you set the SetTriggerType(string, RFmxTdscdmaMXTriggerType) method to IQPowerEdge. |
SetIQPowerEdgeTriggerSlope(string, RFmxTdscdmaMXIQPowerEdgeTriggerSlope) | Sets whether the device asserts the trigger when the signal power is rising or when the signal power is falling. The device asserts the trigger when the signal power exceeds the specified level with the slope you specify. This method is used only when you set the SetTriggerType(string, RFmxTdscdmaMXTriggerType) method to IQPowerEdge. |
SetIQPowerEdgeTriggerSource(string, string) | Sets the channel from which the device monitors the trigger. This method is used only when you set the SetTriggerType(string, RFmxTdscdmaMXTriggerType) method to IQPowerEdge. |
SetLimitedConfigurationChange(string, RFmxTdscdmaMXLimitedConfigurationChange) | Sets the set of properties that are considered by RFmx in the locked signal configuration state. |
SetMaximumNumberOfUsers(string, int) | Configures the maximum number of users. |
SetMidambleAutoDetectionMode(string, RFmxTdscdmaMXMidambleAutoDetectionMode) | Sets the midamble auto detection mode. |
SetMidambleCode(string, int) | Sets the midamble code. |
SetMidambleShift(string, int) | Sets the midamble shift used when you set the SetMidambleAutoDetectionMode(string, RFmxTdscdmaMXMidambleAutoDetectionMode) method to Off. This value is expressed in chips. |
SetModulationType(string, RFmxTdscdmaMXModulationType) | Sets the modulation type of the user-defined channel. This method is used only when you set the SetChannelConfigurationMode(string, RFmxTdscdmaMXChannelConfigurationMode) method to UserDefined. Use "channel(n)" as the selector string to configure or read this method. |
SetNumberOfChannels(string, int) | Sets the number of user-defined channels. This method is used only when you set the SetChannelConfigurationMode(string, RFmxTdscdmaMXChannelConfigurationMode) method to UserDefined. |
SetPilotCode(string, int) | Sets the SYNC-UL code used by the uplink pilot time slot (UpPTS). This method is used when the SetSynchronizationMode(string, RFmxTdscdmaMXModAccSynchronizationMode) method is set to Subframe, or the SetSlotType(string, RFmxTdscdmaMXModAccSlotType) method is set to Pilot. |
SetReferenceLevel(string, double) | Sets the reference level that represents the maximum expected power of the RF input signal. This value is expressed in dBm for RF devices and Vpk-pk for baseband devices. |
SetReferenceLevelHeadroom(string, double) | Sets the margin RFmx adds to the Reference Level method. The margin avoids clipping and overflow warnings if the input signal exceeds the configured reference level. RFmx configures the input gain to avoid clipping and associated overflow warnings provided the instantaneous power of the input signal remains within the reference level plus the reference level headroom. If you know the input power of the signal precisely or previously included the margin in the reference level, you could improve the signal-to-noise ratio by reducing the reference level headroom. Default values |
SetResultFetchTimeout(string, double) | Sets the time to wait before results are available in the RFmx driver. This value is expressed in seconds. Set this value to a time longer than expected for fetching the measurement. A value of -1 specifies that the RFmx driver waits until the measurement is complete. |
SetSelectedPorts(string, string) | Sets the instrument port to be used by the measurement. Valid values |
SetSlotFormat(string, int) | Sets the spreading factor, the number of TFCI code words, the number of transmit power control bits, and the number of synchronization shift bits. This method is used only when you set the SetChannelConfigurationMode(string, RFmxTdscdmaMXChannelConfigurationMode) method to UserDefined. Use "channel(n)" as the selector string to configure or read this method. |
SetSlotIndex(string, int) | Sets the slot index of the user-defined channel. This method is used only when you set the SetChannelConfigurationMode(string, RFmxTdscdmaMXChannelConfigurationMode) method to UserDefined. Use "channel(n)" as the selector string to configure or read this method. |
SetTriggerDelay(string, double) | Sets the trigger delay time. This value is expressed in seconds. |
SetTriggerMinimumQuietTimeDuration(string, double) | Sets the time duration for which the signal must be quiet before the signal analyzer arms the I/Q power edge trigger. This value is expressed in seconds. If you set the SetIQPowerEdgeTriggerSlope(string, RFmxTdscdmaMXIQPowerEdgeTriggerSlope) method to Rising, the signal is quiet below the trigger level. If you set the IQ Power Edge Slope method to Falling, the signal is quiet above the trigger level. |
SetTriggerMinimumQuietTimeMode(string, RFmxTdscdmaMXTriggerMinimumQuietTimeMode) | Sets whether the measurement calculates the minimum quiet time used for triggering. |
SetTriggerType(string, RFmxTdscdmaMXTriggerType) | Sets the trigger type. |
SetUplinkScramblingCode(string, int) | Sets the scrambling code and the basic midamble code for uplink transmission. |
WaitForMeasurementComplete(string, double) | Waits for the specified number of seconds for all the measurements to complete. |
BuildChannelString(string, int) | Creates a selector string to use with channel-specific configuration or fetch methods and methods. |
BuildOffsetString(string, int) | Creates the offset string to use as the selector string with spectral emissions mask (SEM) and adjacent channel power (ACP) offset configuration or fetch methods and methods. |
BuildResultString(string) | Creates selector string for use with configuration or fetch. |
BuildSegmentString(string, int) | Creates the segment string to use as the selector string with the power versus time (PVT) segment configuration or fetch methods and methods. |