Internal Channels for USB DAQ Devices

The following table lists the internal channel for the USB-9211 device.

Internal Channel Name Description
_cjtemp A differential terminal with the positive terminal connected to the onboard temperature sensor and the negative terminal connected to the ground reference for analog input. This channel is used for cold-junction compensation.

The following table lists the internal channels for the USB-9219 device.

Internal Channel Name Description
_cjtemp0 A differential terminal with the positive terminal connected to the onboard temperature sensor and the negative terminal connected to the ground reference for analog input. This channel is used for cold-junction compensation for analog input channel 0.
_cjtemp1 This channel is used for cold-junction compensation for analog input channel 1.
_cjtemp2 This channel is used for cold-junction compensation for analog input channel 2.
_cjtemp3 This channel is used for cold-junction compensation for analog input channel 3.