Setting Power-Up States for M Series, NI 670x, and Software-Timed Digital I/O Devices

You can set the state of physical channels for some devices when your computer is powered on or the device is reset in NI-DAQmx. However, for all NI-DAQmx simulated devices, power-up states are not persisted.

Caution Devices have limited numbers of writes to the EEPROM, so change power-up states infrequently.

Setting Digital States for M Series, X Series and Software-Timed Digital I/O Devices

You can set the digital power-up state for M Series, X Series, and software-timed digital I/O devices to logic low, logic high, or tristate (floating) in MAX. You also can set power-up states with the Set Power Up States (Digital) function/VI, but using MAX is the recommended method. You can only specify a programmable power-up state of tristate on devices with configurable direction. Refer to your device documentation to see if your device supports configurable direction. For NI 6230/36 devices, you can also specify a power-up state of tristate for digital output. The power-up state can be specified on a port basis only. The power-up state of all other NI 623x devices can be specified by line but cannot be set to tristate.

Note I/O direction on software-timed digital I/O devices is port configurable only*. Therefore, you can set the power-up state to tristate only on a port-by-port basis. You can, however, set individual digital output lines in a port to logic low or logic high.

* Except on the PCIe/PXIe-6509 which are also configurable by line.

Setting Analog States for NI 4322 Devices

You can set the analog power-up state for NI 4322 devices in MAX. You also can set power-up states with the DAQmx Set Power Up States (Analog With Output Type) function/VI.

Setting Analog States for NI 670x Devices

You can set the analog power-up state for NI 670x devices in MAX. You also can set power-up states with the DAQmx Set Power Up States (Analog) function/VI, but using MAX is the recommended method.