NI-DAQmx Overview
- Updated2024-10-22
- 2 minute(s) read
NI-DAQmx Overview
What is DAQmx?
NI-DAQmx is the driver software you use to communicate with and control your NI data acquisition (DAQ) devices. It includes an extensive library of functions and VIs you can call from your application software, such as LabVIEW or LabWindows/CVI, to program your devices.
For information on getting started, refer to Getting Started with NI-DAQmx. Refer to Device Support in NI-DAQmx in the NI-DAQmx Readme for a list of devices supported in NI-DAQmx.
What is Measurement & Automation
Explorer (MAX)?
MAX is an application that automatically installs with the NI-DAQmx driver. MAX informs other programs which devices you have in your system and how they are configured. With MAX, you can:
- Configure your NI hardware and software
- Create and edit channels, tasks, interfaces, scales, and virtual instruments
- Execute system diagnostics
- View devices and instruments connected to your system
- Update your NI software
For more information, refer to the Measurement & Automation Explorer Help for NI-DAQmx or Getting Started.
What is DAQ Assistant?
The DAQ Assistant is an application that automatically installs with the NI-DAQmx driver. You can launch the DAQ Assistant from MAX, or from your NI application software such as LabVIEW, SignalExpress, LabWindows/CVI, or Measurement Studio. With DAQ Assistant you can:
- Create and edit tasks and virtual channels
- Add virtual channels to tasks
- Create and edit scales
- Test your configuration
- Save your configuration
- Generate code in your NI application software for use in your application
- View connection diagrams for your sensors
For more information, refer to the DAQ Assistant Help or Getting Started.
How does DAQmx Work Together with
Other Applications and Text Based Programming Environments?
DAQmx has an application programming interface (API), which is a library of VIs, functions, classes, attributes, and properties for creating applications for your device. For information on getting started, refer to Getting Started. For a brief description of using DAQmx with these applications, refer to the following topics.
- LabWindows/CVI
- Measurement Studio with Visual C++, Visual C#, or Visual Basic .NET
- ANSI C Application without LabWindows/CVI
- .NET Application without Measurement Studio
- SignalExpress
In This Section
Related Information
- Getting Started with NI-DAQmx
- Using the DAQ Assistant in Measurement Studio
- Creating an Application with LabWindows/CVI
- Measurement Studio with Visual C++, Visual C#, or Visual Basic .NET
- ANSI C Application without LabWindows/CVI
- Creating a .NET Application without Measurement Studio
- SignalExpress
- Finding Examples
- Troubleshooting