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Method: Unescape for VBS

Method: Unescape for VBS

Decodes an encoded text. The Unescapemethod converts spaces, special characters, umlauts, and other characters that are encoded in this %xx form, into the corresponding ASCII characters. The method converts characters in the %uxxxx form into the corresponding Unicode characters.

vUnescape = Object.Unescape(string)
Object with this method. You do not need to specify this object.
Specifies any expression.
Receives the decoded text.

The following example decodes an encoded text:

'Returns "Spaces, umlauts like ä and unicode characters like ?"
Call MsgBox(UnEscape("Spaces%2C%20umlauts%20like%20%E4%20and%20unicode%20characters%20like%20%u65E5"))

See Also

Objects Overview

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