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Method: Replace for RegExp

Method: Replace for RegExp

Replaces the text pattern found in a search with regular expressions.

sReplace = Object.Replace(sourceString, replaceVar)
Object with this method
Specifies the character string you want to search through.
Specifies the text to replace the original text.
Receives the character string with the replacement.

The following example specifies the text pattern bc and replaces it in the entire character string:

Dim RegExpression, sText
Set RegExpression = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp")
RegExpression.Pattern = "bc"
RegExpression.Global = TRUE
RegExpression.IgnoreCase = TRUE
sText = RegExpression.Replace("abcABC","bcdef")
Call MsgBox(sText) ' Returns "abcdefAbcdef"

The following example searches a pattern that consists of one or more alphabetical characters, and saves them as submatch. The second part of the text pattern consists of a reference to this submatch. The text pattern searches double words and replaces them with the submatch. Using $1 in the replace method refers to the first stored submatch:

Dim RegExpression, sText
Set RegExpression = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp")
RegExpression.Pattern = "\b([a-z]+) \1\b"
RegExpression.Global = TRUE
RegExpression.IgnoreCase = TRUE
sText = "one one two three three"
sText = RegExpression.Replace(sText,"$1")
Call MsgBox(sText) ' Returns "one two three"

See Also

Objects Overview

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