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Method: InStrRev for VBS

Method: InStrRev for VBS

Specifies the position in the text where a character or a character string appears in the text for the first time, whereby the search begins at the end of the text.

vInStrRev = Object.InStrRev(string1, string2, [start], [compare])
Object with this method. You do not need to specify this object.
Specifies the text you want to search through.
Specifies the character string you want to search for.
Specifies the start position of the search. If you do not specify start, the InStrRev method uses the value -1, which indicates that the search begins with the last character.
Specifies the type of comparison. Possible settings are vbBinaryCompare and vbTextCompare. If you do not specify compare, the InStrRev method performs a binary comparison.

Receives the position of a character or a character string in a text. Possible return values:
ConditionReturn value
string1 is an empty string0
string1 or string2 is NullNull
string2 is an empty string1
string2 is not in string10
string2 is not in string1Position of string2
start is greater than the length of string10

The following example searches a text in various character strings:

Dim MyPos
MyPos = InStrRev("abcdabcde", "c")			'Returns 7
Call MsgBox(MyPos) 
MyPos = InStrRev("abcdabcde", "C")			'Returns 0
Call MsgBox(MyPos) 
MyPos = InStrRev("abcdabcde", "C", -1, vbTextCompare)	'Returns 7
Call MsgBox(MyPos)

See Also

Objects Overview

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