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Method: DateDiff for VBS

Method: DateDiff for VBS

Specifies the number of timespans between two dates.

vDateDiff = Object.DateDiff(interval, date1, date2, [firstdayofweek], [firstdayofyear])
Object with this method. You do not need to specify this object.
Specifies the timespan. The following settings are possible.
"q" Quarter
"m" Month
"y" Day of the year
"d" Day
"w" Weekday
"ww" Week of the year
"h" Hour
"n" Minute
"s" Second
Specifies the first date. If you do not enter the year, the DateDiff method uses the current year.
Specifies the second date. If you do not enter the year, the DateDiff method uses the current year.
Specifies the weekday. Possible values are vbSunday, vbMonday, vbTuesday, vbWednesday, vbThursday, vbFriday, vbSaturday and vbUseSystem. If you do not enter a value, the DateDiff method uses Sunday. This setting only considers the method for the "w" and "ww" timespans.
Specifies the first week of the year. Possible values are vbFirstJan1, vbFirstFourDays, vbFirstFullWeek, and vbUseSystem. If you do not enter a value, the DateDiff method uses January 1.
Receives the number of timespans.

The following example returns various timespans:

MyDate = DateDiff("yyyy", #31/12/2001#, #01/01/2002#)
Call MsgBox("Years left: " & MyDate)
MyDate = DateDiff("ww", "01/01", Date)
Call MsgBox("Week of year: " & MyDate)
MyDate = DateDiff("ww", #01 January#, Date)
Call MsgBox("Week of year: " & MyDate)

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