Method: GetObject for VBS
- Updated2024-09-12
- 2 minute(s) read
Methods > Method: GetObject for VBS
Method: GetObject for VBS
Refers to an automation object.
DIAdem does not offer CodeCompletion for objects you assigned with the GetObject function.
Set vGetObject = Object.GetObject([pathname], [classValue])
Object | VBS Object with this method. You do not need to specify this object. |
[pathname] | Variant Specifies the complete name and the path of the automation object. If you do not specify pathname, the GetObject method returns an active object of the specified type. If an object of the specified type does not exist, an error occurs. If you specify an empty string, the GetObject method returns a new object instance of the specified type. |
[classValue] | Variant Specifies the name of the automation object. You enter the automation object in the form Servername.Classname. If you do not specify the object class, the GetObject method specifies from the filename the application and the object to be enabled. |
vGetObject | Variant Refers to an automation object. |
The following example checks whether Excel is already running. If Excel has not been started, the example starts Excel and loads an Excel file:
Dim MyObj On Error Resume Next Set MyObj = GetObject(,"Excel.Application") If Err.Number = 0 Then Call MsgBox("Excel is running") Else Err.Clear() Call MsgBox("Excel is not running. Excel will be started.") Set MyObj = GetObject("","Excel.Application") End If On Error Goto 0 MyObj.Visible = True Call MyObj.Workbooks.Open(ProgramDrv & "Examples\Data\DIADEM.XLS")
See Also
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