Perform hardware handshaking to synchronize a PXI Switch with another PXI instrument (e.g. DMM or RF Analyzer), removing the software overhead and bus latency and providing the fastest test times and highest measurement throughput.
Physically combine multiple PXI Switches to create a single, larger switch by either joining the rows/columns of PXI matrices (matrix expansion) or by joining the COMs of PXI multiplexers (multiplexer expansion).
Monitor the relay health of PXI Switches using the Switch Health Center. PXI Switches include advanced features to determine when a relay will reach the end of its lifetime, enabling you to perform predictive maintenance and reduce system downtime.
Accelerate development time and simplify maintenance of large or complex automated test systems with Switch Executive, which features graphical and automatic switch route configuration options, intuitive channel aliases, and route groups.
LabVIEW and the Switch Executive API or TestStand make it easy to interact with a virtual device that has been previously configured in Switch Executive, providing an intuitive and simplified way to make switch connections in your test system.
PXI switches include options that are ideal for handling low-level DMM measurements in the nanovolt, picoamp, and micro-ohm range.
Relays come in a variety of form factors, styles, and technologies. By understanding their strengths and weaknesses, you can choose the best option for your application.
When selecting a switch for test and measurement applications, it is important to understand what bandwidth ratings mean for switches.
Application Note
Switching and Multiplexing
Learn best practices for integrating switching and multiplexing into your test system, including common switch topologies, common relay types, and tips and tricks.