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RFmxSpecAnMXPavtConfiguration Methods

RFmxSpecAnMXPavtConfiguration Methods

RFmxSpecAnMXPavtConfiguration Methods

The RFmxSpecAnMXPavtConfiguration type exposes the following members.


Public methodConfigureMeasurementBandwidth Configures the measurement bandwidth.
Public methodConfigureMeasurementInterval Configures the measurement offset and measurement length for the segments.
Public methodConfigureMeasurementIntervalMode Configures the measurement interval mode.
Public methodConfigureMeasurementLocationType Configures the measurement location type for the segments.
Public methodConfigureNumberOfSegments Configures the number of segments.
Public methodConfigureSegmentMeasurementInterval Configures the segment measurement offset and length for the segments.
Public methodConfigureSegmentMeasurementIntervalArray Configures an array of segment measurement offsets and lengths for the segments.
Public methodConfigureSegmentStartTimeList Configures the list of the segment start times.
Public methodConfigureSegmentStartTimeStep Configures the list of the segment start times based on segment0StartTime and segmentInterval. This method is used when the segments to be measured have equal duration.
Public methodConfigureSegmentType Configures the segment type.
Public methodConfigureSegmentTypeArray Configures an array of segment types.
Public methodEqualsDetermines whether the specified Object is equal to the current Object.
(Inherited from Object)
Public methodGetAllTracesEnabled Gets whether to enable the traces to be stored and retrieved after performing the PAVT measurement.
Public methodGetFrequencyOffsetCorrectionEnabled Gets whether to enable frequency offset correction for the measurement.
Public methodGetFrequencyTrackingEnabled Gets whether to enable frequency offset correction per segment for the measurement.
Public methodGetHashCodeServes as a hash function for a particular type.
(Inherited from Object)
Public methodGetMeasurementBandwidth Gets the bandwidth over which the signal is measured. This value is expressed in Hz.
Public methodGetMeasurementEnabled Gets whether to enable the Phase Amplitude Versus Time (PAVT) measurement.
Public methodGetMeasurementIntervalMode Gets the mode of configuring the measurement interval.
Public methodGetMeasurementLength Gets the duration within the segment over which the phase and amplitude values are computed. This value is expressed in seconds.
Public methodGetMeasurementLocationType Gets the location at which the segment is measured.
Public methodGetMeasurementOffset Gets the time offset from the start of the segment for which the phase and amplitude values are computed. This value is expressed in seconds.
Public methodGetNumberOfSegments Gets the number of segments to be measured.
Public methodGetPhaseUnwrapEnabled Gets whether the phase measurement results are unwrapped or wrapped.
Public methodGetSegmentMeasurementLength Gets the duration within each segment over which the phase and amplitude, amplitude, or frequency error values are computed. This value is expressed in seconds. This method is valid when you set the SetMeasurementIntervalMode(String, RFmxSpecAnMXPavtMeasurementIntervalMode) method to Variable.
Public methodGetSegmentMeasurementOffset Gets the time offset from the start of the segment for which the phase and amplitude, amplitude, or frequency error values are computed. This value is expressed in seconds. This property is valid only when you set the SetMeasurementIntervalMode(String, RFmxSpecAnMXPavtMeasurementIntervalMode) method to Variable.
Public methodGetSegmentStartTime Gets the start time of measurement of the segments. This value is expressed in seconds. You can use this method only when you set the SetMeasurementLocationType(String, RFmxSpecAnMXPavtMeasurementLocationType) method to Time.
Public methodGetSegmentType Gets the type of segment.
Public methodGetTypeGets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object)
Public methodSetAllTracesEnabled Sets whether to enable the traces to be stored and retrieved after performing the PAVT measurement.
Public methodSetFrequencyOffsetCorrectionEnabled Sets whether to enable frequency offset correction for the measurement.
Public methodSetFrequencyTrackingEnabled Sets whether to enable frequency offset correction per segment for the measurement. While you set this property to True, ensure that the PavtFrequencyOffsetCorrectionEnabled attribute is set to True and the PavtSegmentType attribute is set to PhaseAndAmplitude.
Public methodSetMeasurementBandwidth Sets the bandwidth over which the signal is measured. This value is expressed in Hz.
Public methodSetMeasurementEnabled Sets whether to enable the Phase Amplitude Versus Time (PAVT) measurement.
Public methodSetMeasurementIntervalMode Sets the mode of configuring the measurement interval.
Public methodSetMeasurementLength Sets the duration within the segment over which the phase and amplitude values are computed. This value is expressed in seconds.
Public methodSetMeasurementLocationType Sets the location at which the segment is measured.
Public methodSetMeasurementOffset Sets the time offset from the start of the segment for which the phase and amplitude values are computed. This value is expressed in seconds.
Public methodSetNumberOfSegments Sets the number of segments to be measured.
Public methodSetPhaseUnwrapEnabled Sets whether the phase measurement results are unwrapped or wrapped.
Public methodSetSegmentMeasurementLength Sets the duration within each segment over which the phase and amplitude, amplitude, or frequency error values are computed. This value is expressed in seconds. This method is valid when you set the SetMeasurementIntervalMode(String, RFmxSpecAnMXPavtMeasurementIntervalMode) method to Variable.
Public methodSetSegmentMeasurementOffset Sets the time offset from the start of the segment for which the phase and amplitude, amplitude, or frequency error values are computed. This value is expressed in seconds. This property is valid only when you set the SetMeasurementIntervalMode(String, RFmxSpecAnMXPavtMeasurementIntervalMode) method to Variable.
Public methodSetSegmentStartTime Sets the start time of measurement of the segments. This value is expressed in seconds. You can use this method only when you set the SetMeasurementLocationType(String, RFmxSpecAnMXPavtMeasurementLocationType) method to Time.
Public methodSetSegmentType Sets the type of segment.
Public methodToStringReturns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object)

See Also

In This Section
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