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RFmxSpecAnMX.SetExternalAttenuation Method

RFmxSpecAnMX.SetExternalAttenuation Method

RFmxSpecAnMXSetExternalAttenuation Method

Sets the attenuation, in dB, of a switch (or cable) connected to the RF IN connector of the RF signal analyzer.

Namespace: NationalInstruments.RFmx.SpecAnMX
Assembly: NationalInstruments.RFmx.SpecAnMX.Fx40 (in NationalInstruments.RFmx.SpecAnMX.Fx40.dll) Version: (


public int SetExternalAttenuation(
	string selectorString,
	double value
Public Function SetExternalAttenuation ( 
	selectorString As String,
	value As Double
) As Integer


selectorString  String
Pass an empty string. The signal name that is passed when creating the signal configuration is used.
value  Double
Specifies the attenuation, in dB.

Return Value

Returns the status code of this method. The status code either indicates success or describes an error or warning condition.


When you set this method and set the RF Attenuation and IF Attenuation values, the appropriate attenuator settings are calculated based on ConfigureExternalAttenuation(String, Double) and ConfigureReferenceLevel(String, Double) values. In this case, RFmxSpecAn interprets the reference level as the maximum expected power level of the signal at the input of the external gain device. For more information about attenuation, refer to the Attenuation and Signal Levels topic for your device in the NI RF Vector Signal Analyzers Help. This method maps to the RFmxSpecAn_SetExternalAttenuation() function in C.

See Also

In This Section
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