PAtools Battery Software Suite New Features and Changes

Learn about updates—including new features and behavior changes—introduced in each version of PAtools Battery Software Suite.

PAtools Battery Software Suite 2024 Q4

  • Added ability to integrate SystemLink to perform the following actions:
    • Upload test steps to a SystemLink test result.
    • Upload error log files to a SystemLink test result.
    • Create, manage, schedule, execute, and monitor tests from SystemLink.
  • Added support for the following device drivers:
    • Kewell
    • Thermatron SE-2000 and S32
    • Keysight RP7900
  • Removed the Test_Environment folder. Content from the Test_Environment folder is now in the Test Procedure folder.
  • Added ability to create and use a custom Battery Lab Software (BLS) climate chamber, power supply, and chiller from a template. Refer to the BLS Capabilities GitHub Repository for the BLS templates and how to use them. If you do not have access to this repository, work with your account representative for access credentials. Attempting to access the repository without proper credentials results in a 404 error.

PAtools Battery Software Suite 2024 Q2

  • Use NI Package Manager to install the PAtools Software Suite, including the PAtools Battery Application toolkit. For more information, refer to Installing PAtools Battery Application.
  • Create and use a custom Battery Lab Software (BLS) cycler from a template. For more information, refer to the GitHub repository for the BLS Cycler Plug-in Template.
  • Integrate SystemLink to perform the following actions:
    • Create SystemLink test results.
    • Upload measurement files to SystemLink.
    • Attach uploaded measurement files to a test result.
    • Publish PAtools variables and their values as SystemLink tags.
    For more information, refer to Integrating SystemLink.
  • Connect multiple temperature sensors to a battery cell, and map parameterized temperature variables to the sensor signals. Refer to Temperature Sensor Difference (Pack/Module/Cell Applications) in the Other Technical Parameters section for more information about temperature sensor signals.
  • Send high frequency setpoints or current setpoints to cyclers such as the NHR-9300 and ERS-BIC. For more information, refer to Voltage and Current Paths.