PAconfigurator Database Structure

Create and parameterize the content for all tests in the PAtools database using PAconfigurator. A test in PAtools Battery Software Suite consists of the following items:

  • Global database groups provided by the PAlibrary (for example, base modules like the message system).
  • Database groups describing the test bench (for example, measuring equipment or drive inverter system).
  • Database groups describing the DUT (for example, monitoring or setpoint limitation).
  • Database groups defining the specific test run (test procedure).
  • Additional configuration options depending on the application type and your specific implementation.

In principle, it is possible to change the structure of the database folders and the database groups. However, because the structure of the database has certain dependencies on drivers and future updates, NI recommends keeping the database structure as defined by NI.

Note If you change the database structure or implement changes in the signal flow or in-between the modularity of PAtools Battery Software Suite, NI cannot provide standard updates. Supporting this specific installation in the future becomes challenging due to increased complexity.