PAtools Battery Software Suite Examples

NI installs example code with your software or driver that demonstrates the functionality of PAtools Battery Software Suite. Use these examples to learn about the product or accelerate your own application development.

Most NI products install examples that you can access directly or from within NI software. The example experience can differ slightly across products and versions.

PAtools Battery Software Suite Examples

PAtools Battery Software Suite simulated example tests are included in PAconfigurator » Tests.

PAtools Battery Software Suite Test Station templates are included in PAconfigurator » Test Stations.

Table 5. PAtools Battery Software Suite Test Station Templates
Simulated Example Tests and Template Names Description
_Simu_BattCell_ Simulated example test for a battery cell.
_Simu_BattModule_ Simulated example test for a battery module.
_Simu_BattPack_ Simulated example test for a battery pack.
BattCell_Template Test Station template for a battery cell.
BattModule_Template Test Station template for a battery module.
BattPack_Template Test Station template for a battery pack.

PAtools Battery Software Suite with SystemLink Enterprise Integration Examples

PAtools Battery Software Suite with SystemLink Enterprise integration examples are located in the PAtools BLS SystemLink Integration GitHub repository.

If you do not have access to the GitHub repository, work with your account representative for access credentials. Attempting to access the repository without proper credentials results in a 404 error.

Table 6. Common PAtools Battery Software Suite with SystemLink Enterprise Integration Examples
Example Name Description
SystemLink Enterprise Dashboards This example demonstrates how to use SystemLink dashboards to monitor the tests assigned to you.
SystemLink Enterprise Notebooks/Routines This example demonstrates how to use a SystemLink notebook to convert measurement files into Test Results data tables.
SystemLink Enterprise SaltJobs This example demonstrates how to generate, deploy, start, and abort a PAtools test.

BLS Plugins and Templates

Find PAtools Battery Software Suite with Battery Lab Software (BLS) plugins and templates in the PAtools BLS Capabilities GitHub repository.

If you do not have access to the GitHub repository, work with your account representative for access credentials. Attempting to access the repository without proper credentials results in a 404 error.

Table 7. PAtools Battery Software Suite with BLS Plugins and Templates
Plugin or Template Name Description
BLS Power Supply RMX-412x-plugin A BLS plugin and PAtools driver for the Power Supply RMX-412x.
BLS VCOM plugin A build plugin, the PAtools driver, and a tool for importing channels to PAtools.
BLS Cycler Plugin Template A template for building a BLS plugin for a cycler to use with PAtools.
BLS Power Supply Plugin Template A template for building a BLS plugin for a power supply to use with PAtools.
BLS Climate Chamber Plugin Template A template for building a BLS plugin for a climate chamber to use with PAtools.
BLS Chiller Plugin Template A template for building a BLS plugin for a chiller to use with PAtools.